Let's get away from the hectic and crazy news of 2011 and see what it was like 50 years ago, in 1961.
01. Brother Sebastian.
Chon Day was a famous cartoonist who was active around the 1960's. The copy above is of one of his cartoons, which I labeled, The Skater Monk. Another cartoon that I liked from 1961 showed two monks in their order's wine cellar, using a candle to look at a massive wine barrel with a spigot. They are holding large mugs.. but are chagrined to see a sign posted over the barrel: "No Underground Testing." (Of course, during 1961, underground nuclear testing was a big issue.)
02. Booze:
Dr. Dean K. Brooks of Salem, Oregon said (1961) that drinking is not sinful and no Christian should look down on another for doing it. However, he also said that there are 5 good reasons for total abstinence:
1. To help others, lest they be harmed by our drinking.
2. To insure efficiency.
3. To forgo a luxury.
4. For health reasons.
5. To provide a devotional discipline.
Dr. Brooks, superintendent of the Oregon State Hospital at Salem was a member of the Episcopal Church Joint Commission on Society and Alcohol.
He was fighting an uphill battle for abstinence, because in 1961, people "went out drinking".. (watch the TV Mad Men series and see what it was like back then.. that show is very accurate, in my opinion).. I'm sure that in 2011, some people still "go out drinking", especially young people.
(Last night, Elaine and I were at a restaurant, and a young (25-ish) lady had a 22-ounce draft beer in front of her.. later she downed another one. I hope she wasn't driving.... but, listen to me being judgemental.)
Back in 1961, I got my first pay check from the Government and guess what the first thing I did with it was? Yes.. I bought a case of beer.. everything else had to wait. I can't remember now how long the beer lasted.. probably not long.
Now, under Doctors' orders, I have my two glasses of wine or beer each day, to keep me from having heart problems.. but, hey, I'm an old dude and need that help.
03. Sign of the Times?
The town planners of Bath, England, decided in 1961 to order a Baptist minister to take down the six-foot high sign on the roof of his church. The sign read: "Prepare To Meet Thy God." The Bath officials said that it was advertising.
04. Newspaper feature:
The newspaper of Sing Sing Penitentiary began to add a society column in 1961.
05. 1961 Headline:
I guess reception wasn't so good back then.
06. Music.
Tokyo garbage men began to broadcast the sound of bells playing "Rock-a-Bye Baby" as they moved down the street, picking up trash.
07. Classic book review.
Since a lot has been written about Catcher in the Rye recently, I thought you might like to read this book review from 1961, which was written by R. Barbour of Billerica, Mass., to Time magazine, I think.
" Yes indeed, let our children study the great American classic, The Catcher in the Rye and learn, before their formative days are done, that all is vomity, and that man's spirit floats no higher down the byways of life's sewers than the rest of the garbage he so brilliantly produces."
08. Falsies for Men?
The men's fashion magazine Tailor and Cutter suggested that men might want to consider the reinstitution of padding for men's legs that was popular in the 1700's. These "falsies" were strapped on skinny legs at the calf to make them look muscular.
09. Burglary Alibi.
An Ohio burglary suspect came up with the best alibi heard for a long time. He explained that at the time of the burglary, he was buried in a coffin for 2 1/2 days at an Indiana fairground as part of a stunt.
10. Nursery Rhyme.
The three little Pigg children went to court (near the market) in Oklahoma, Michigan, and had their names changed to Bond. The parent Piggs decided to keep their names.
11. Occupation Names.
Mrs. Ann H. Romanick, of Ellicott City, Maryland, found these names:
Father Wise .. a Jesuit professor.
Mrs. Jewell .. an officer of a jewelry association.
Mr. Goldseker .. a real estate dealer.
Dr. Glasser .. an optometrist.
Dr. Mules .. a veterinarian
Dr. Brain .. an educator.
Mr. Flowers .. a florist.
Miss Viol .. a music teacher.
12. Macho Man?
From a 1961 article in the Baltimore Sun newspaper.
No Frenchman should ever agree to:
Prepare breakfast.
Empty the kitchen garbage can.
Wear an apron.
Collect groceries on his way home.
Push a baby carriage.
Defrost the refrigerator.
Sew on buttons.
Answer the doorbell.
Clean the bath., or tick off the daily help. (whatever that means)
However, since this is the second half of the Twentieth Century, he may, without loss of dignity:
Clean his own shoes.
Carve the roast.
Cut the bread.
Open canned goods.
Uncork the wine.
Order the wine.
Wash his own socks.
Do the dishes.....perhaps now and again.. but only on Sundays, never, never weekdays.
(How about the American man in 1961? And how about now 50 years later? Think about how times have changed... at least for most of American men, I would hope.)