Nice Fall day.. the trees are turning colors.. more than usual. Not as much as in New England, but we'll take what we can get.
This is the 400th entry for this blog! Wow, pretty soon I'll be as productive as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!
"A son belongs to his mother until he takes a wife.
A daughter belongs to her mother for the rest of her life."
Tomorrow, we go to a wedding shower for my granddaughter, Bridget, who is getting married in December. She is now is her 20's and is a beautiful, caring, responsible person. It seems like only yesterday that she was a baby. "Sunrise, sunset..." Oy! I'm going to cry.
I think that today I will just go through some old items that I tagged for the blog. Not much that is mind-bending.. but maybe just a bit.
1. Owe on a Credit Card? Live in New York?
In the State of New York, credit card debt dies with a person's death. So, don't despair, you won't owe that money forever.
2. Wedding Day Logic
A little kid in the wedding party was growling as he went down the aisle. After the wedding, someone asked him why. He replied: "Because I was the ring bear."
3. Facial Hair
The cap on my Snapple drink says: "Man spends on the average: 5 months of his life shaving." (That's why I gave it up.)
4. The House of Your Life
Readers Digest: Everyone should think of their life as a house with many rooms, and the following rooms should be in everybody's house:
01 Art
02 Letters (Literature)
03 Music
04 Outdoors
05 Sentiment
06 Children
07 Sports (play)
08 Food
09 Religion
20 Work
Does your house have a room for each of these activities?
Based on remarks by Dr. Frank Crane (1881-1928)
5. Schmutzig!
Readers Digest: Researchers discretely observed about 4000 people after they used public toilets, and found that only 5% washed their hands long enough to kill germs, 10% didn't wash at all. and 25% didn't use soap. (Maybe the EBOLA scare will get them to begin to wash their hands.)
6. Beauty and Brains
Marilyn Monroe was so annoyed at the ignorance of Congress that she bought every member a subscription to I.F. Stone's Weekly.. a newsletter that specialized in lambasting Congress. (Every member now gets a copy of the Washington Spectator.. similar, I think to Stone's Weekly.)
7. When the Sun Goes Down
People who work in the area of Alzheimers Disease, tell us of the Sundowners Syndrome. This affliction affects many Alzheimers and Dementia patients, and Nursing Home personnel probably all know about it. The involved patients are quiet and rational all day, until the sun goes down. Then, all hell breaks loose. They become abusive, do weird things, and sometimes escape their caregivers. I don't think anyone knows why.
8. Drunk Drivers
For many years, I was slightly involved with the MADD organization in Carroll County, Maryland. The lady who ran it belonged to our Toastmasters Group. MADD stood for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and the members of that group were very strong in their campaign against such drivers. So strong, in fact that some lawyers wanted to stop them from testifying in court, because they said it resulted in punishments that were too harsh for whatever crime was being prosecuted. I believe that the courts had a hand in making this organization go away in Carroll County. I could be very wrong about this.
I see where there is now a similar organization in the county. Catherine's Cause.. run by Phil and Cyndy (whoever they are.) Good luck to them.
9. Omega-3?
Harvard Medical School has found no connection between Omega-3 supplements and heart health, and decided that they did not lower triglycerides or prevent heart attacks and strokes.
(Well, I'll continue to take them until my cardiologist says not to.)
10. The Rheos System
Harvard Medical School mentions a new device designed to lower Blood Pressure as much as 35 points.. the Rheos System works like a pacemaker.
11. Clot Busting
Harvard Medical School again: Some company has come up with a clot-busting drug called alteplase.
12. Blood Pressure
Harvard Medical School (that fount of medical information) says that you should take your Blood Pressure in both arms. If you have a difference of 10-15 points or more, you may have cardiovascular problems.
Maybe it's time that I should subscribe to the Harvard Heart Letter.
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