Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Lamb and lambs; Kardashian; Speed Cameras; Money

Rainy am; sunny pm.  50ish. 

"Some cry up Haydn, some Mozart,
Just as the whim bites.  For my part,
I do not care a farthing candle
For either of them, or for Handel."

Charles Lamb: Letter to Mrs William Hazlitt (1830)

Poor Mr Lamb, he missed a lot.

01.  Speaking of lambs.. If God is all benevolence, why all the senseless cruelty to "lambs" of our world by the "lions" of our world?

William Buckland had it all figured out early in the 19th Century:  He considered that although the depredation of the "carnivorous races" would seem to be a challenge to the ideal of the lion cohabiting with the lamb, God, in His wisdom, decreed that carnivores would actually increase animal enjoyment and diminish pain, by causing a swift and relatively painless end to a lamb's life.  This would spare the victim the "ravages of decrepitude and senility".. and the possibility of running out of food and starving to painful death.  Thus, the lamb that is spared would be able to continue to cavort and graze with it's buddies.. (for a time) ..  while the lion, lounging, his tummy full, would offer a prayer of thanksgiving for God's bounty.

02.  Dress like Kim and suffer the consequences.

In Kenya, women who try to dress like Kim Kardashian and other Hollywood types, are being stripped in public and kicked in their genitals.  Apparently, women's rights are not important to some men in that country.

03.  Big Brother is watching you!

According to Chuck Shepherd (Funny Times) one speed camera in Brooklyn, New York recently earned the city $78,000 in just one day, from 1,551 tickets it generated.  (That's one every 20 seconds of an 8 hour day!)

.. and yes, some parking places in New York City are being rented for one million dollars a year!  I guess that is "chump change" to a person who can buy a 3 bedroom condo near Central Park for $22 million dollars.  Members of the WalMart family could afford to buy hundreds of those condos and not even make a dent in their ready cash funds. 


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