Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Snow; Birds; Sarah Palin; President Obama; Relaxation

SNOW!!!  A nice wet heavy snow.. lingering on the tree limbs and it looks very nice..  the guy next door is out shoveling his sidewalk...  he is older than I am, and should be taking life easy.  But, he is a nice guy .. and if he wants to play "macho man", that's ok with me.. but I'm not going to.

I talked to another friend earlier today, and he said that his wife was out shoveling...  smart man.

"The snow had begun in the gloaming..."  That damn "gloaming" again...  today's snow was predicted for the morning rush  hour... but it didn't show up until ten a.m.  It just stopped about an hour ago so that our backyard deer can forage around while it is still light out.   Or.. do deer have eyes like cats do?  I doubt it.

Hundreds of birds were jumping all over our feeder set up today.  Getting their tummies full so they can survive for another month.

"Ou sont les neiges d'antan?"  Yes, snow has this habit of looking great for a short time and then it melts... even in Alaska.  Hey, I wonder how Sarah Palin is doing?  Haven't heard from her for some time.  Maybe she is still on Fox News..?

The President gave his State of the Nation Speech last night... I though it was a wonderful speech.. his best yet.  However, listening to criticism from some callers on CSPAN this morning, I felt queasy in my stomach... this was the President of the United States of America, for crying out loud!  Why would you want to insult him?   However, he did have lots of people who agreed with what he said and thought that he said it very well.

I find it very easy to detect bigotry in the words that some callers used.  It seems to me that they would not sound so bitter with life if they would just relax.  "Let the good times roll!"   The Market is way up; inflation is way down; gas prices continue to drop; I see "help wanted" signs around town; 7 weeks from now, it will be Spring again;  "We should all be as happy as kings!"

A Dios, Muchachos.