Those who read this blog know that I have a "liberal" point of view. However, I do try to see both sides of issues.. so, I recently subscribed to the "National Review" to see what I have been missing. I must say that most of what I am reading is out and out un-fact-checked BS.. but there are a couple of gems IMHO.
Let me quote this NR scary entry exactly: "Two years ago, a North Korean cargo ship was stopped going through the Panama Canal. The ship was bearing sugar from Cuba. It was also bearing tons of war materiel, bound for the Kim regime. Just the other day, a Chinese ship was stopped in the
Colombian port of Cartagena. The ship was steaming toward Cuba. The captain said it was bearing grain. The grain turned out to be 99 missile heads, 100 tons of gunpowder, 3,000 cannon shells, etc. You might get the idea that the Castro regime and its fellow communists in the east are up to no good"
I quote: "Disney amusement parks used to let disabled visitors cut to the front of the line for rides and attractions...some people with disabilities started hiring themselves out as 'guides' for families who wanted to skip the 2013, Disney instituted a new system...the disabled can schedule a time to take a particular ride and visit other parts of the park in the meantime...parents of autistic children sued Disney, claiming it had violated their kids' rights by making them stay too long in the Park's busy environment..."
Rioting and looting:
Those of you who do not live in Baltimore, must think that this it is a terrible place to live. Not so.
The rioters that you are following on TV right now are in a very small area of this enormous city. And, as you know, I am a strong advocate for gun control, but I must mention that if the rioters enter any of the old working class Baltimore neighborhoods.. gunfire will break out and people will die. I think the looters know or sense that and will stay where they can, unfortunately, destroy their own neighborhoods.
Here are a couple of interesting items from The Week (March 27,2015)
Good old Creflo Dollar, televangelist, had to give up his plan to funddrive $65 million for a Gulfstream Jet, because of widespread ridicule. I have no doubt that he'll get that plane somehow. Watch out, little old ladies with money in the bank.. Creflo will be eying you up.
South African doctors reported that they had performed the first successful penis transplant in medical history. (I suspect they will go in business.. they might name their business: The John Holmes Memorial Stitchery.)
Peter Morici, professor of business at the University of Maryland says President Obama's free community-college plan is a bad idea. He says that money would be wasted on community colleges, which he says are "diploma mills" staffed by "bureaucrats" who are not good at education matters. He says that the liberal arts are a "useless" waste of time, and especially hates English classes.
Well... that's enough.. as Reverend Lou Piel says: Think on it!
These are some interesting topics, Pop. I heard some looters went into a 7-11 - saw the owner had a gun - and high-tailed it out of there. No shots were fired. What do you think of all the controversy over the word, "thug"? Seems like some people are trying to manipulate the conversation to me.
By the way - I'm not a big fan of liberal arts degrees, either. I do like community colleges more than big colleges, though. I'd like to see us go back to a system of apprenticeships.
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