Friday, June 26, 2015

Bible Study Killings; Obamacare Lives!; Same Sex Marriage Lives! Obama sings Amazing Grace; House of Cards; Obits; Salaries; Disability; Gun Shot; Opera Role

An amazing week!  9 innocent parishioners killed during their Bible study.. by a 21 year old devil who was invited in to share study with them.   He sat there for an hour before deciding to kill some of them, including the preacher/Senator who had invited him in.   Afterwards, the shooter was elated and showcased the Rebel (Confederate) Flag as he smiled about what he had done.

However there was some good news, in my opinion.   Yesterday, the Supremes decided 6 to 3 to allow Obamacare to survive the last ditch attempt by the GOP nutzies to kill it, and do away with health protection for millions of Americans.

And today... they decided that "same sex" marriage should be recognized as valid in all of the 50 states.  Hard-line Catholics immediately vowed to discredit the measure.  How?  I don't know.

I listened to CSPAN's broadcast of the preacher/Senator's funeral from Charleston, South Carolina. President Obama was magnificent!  I don't know if he, or some of his staff members wrote the eulogy, but he delivered it in what must have been the best manner of any President before him, except for Lincoln.  I bawled like a baby.   At the end, he led the choir in  Amazing Grace.. and it was a perfect catharsis moment.  God.. that guy is good!

I've been watching NETFLIX' House of Cards and it is causing me to look at our representatives in a different way.  One of the Washington Post's writers, says that the series is more than fantasy, because it can't possibly ever be true that the only intelligent man in DC might be like Francis Underwood.  Well... it is becoming more and more apparent to me every day that President Obama is the only intelligent man in DC.  Just look at the 16 assholes that are trying for the Republican nomination in 2016.

Well, let me jump to something else.  The July 2015 issue of the Funny Times is quite interesting in a couple of ways:

Obituaries:  A. G. Sloan has created a list of "specific qualities and accomplishments"  that could be used to good effect in an obituary or eulogy, such as:

Paid bills on time.

Never missed Garbage Day.

Asked for directions when lost.

Salaries: Harper's Index (not really funny if true):

The average amount that a male nurse's salary exceeds that of a female nurse in the US:  $5,100. !

Disability: (News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd)

Check out the accomodations at Australia's sixth annual National Disability Summit in Melbourne!

Who you lookin' at?  (News of the Weird  by Chuck Shepherd)  At Murphy's Express Gas station, one customer shot another in the foot, because he was being stared at while he pumped gas.

The World of Scatalogical Opera?

On Met Opera Radio (Sirius-XM) all week, an interview has been aired with recently deceased Margaret Juntwait (3/18/57 - 6/3/15)  talking to the fantastic Isobel Leonard.  At one point, Isobel is reminded that she has played one of her roles at the Met 100 times!  Surprised by the statistic, I guess, Isobel replies: "Are you shittin' me?"



Chris Vaughan said...

Not much doubt where I get my political leanings.

Anonymous said...

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