Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stuff to do

Auntie Mame sez: "Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death."

How true. How many people do you know work all day at dull jobs and then sit themselves in front of a TV set and eat and drink themselves into oblivion as they watch stupid stuff.? Come on! Lots of exciting things are going on... lots of things to do.. get with it ... get up off your dead butts and get moving.. bend your mind.

Instead of TV:

Read a book.

Make love to your spouse.

Draw a picture.

Do a crossword puzzle.

Surf the Internet.

Send an email to a friend.

Text, if you know how.

Print a picture from your PC.

Call up a relative.

Plan your day tomorrow.

Pay a bill.

Sign up for a day trip.

Look out the window at the stars.

Pet your dog or cat.

Check on the genealogy of your family.

Get on Facebook and look for a friend from High School.

Put an entry on TWITTER.

Connect with a relative you haven't heard from for years.

Write a blog.

Write a book.

Play checkers.

Play solitaire.

Play blackjack.

Play poker.

Take a nap.

Learn to cook.

Cook a steak.

Bake brownies.

Check your blood pressure.

Check your blood sugar.

Try on old clothes and throw away stuff that doesn't fit anymore.

Wash the kitchen floor.

Clean the garage.

Pump iron.

Walk around the block.

Stand on your head.

Shine your shoes.

Say "Hi" to your neighbor.

Take brownies to your neighbor.

Read the bible.

Join a club.

Go shopping.

Read the classics.

Memorize a poem.

Hang a picture.

Hang a wind sock.

Water your plants.

Plant some flowers.

Plant some vegetables.

Eat a little chocolate.

Drink 2 glasses of red wine.

Take your pills.

Vacuum the rug.

Wash the floor.

Do you see? There are so many things to do.. as Robert Louis Stevenson or maybe Lewis Carol said: " The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings."

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