Another coolish but sunny Fall day.
"Peace is in the grave,
The grave hides all things beautiful and good:"
1. Another surprise and loss
It was indeed a great surprise to learn today that another friend has died. Dee Deardorf passed away last Friday, the same day as Doris Smith. Dee was a real nice person and extremely pleasant. She used to help run Maryland Public TV Channel 67, out of Owings Mills. She worked with Miss Jean and Hodgepodge Lodge and was a good friend of Rhea Feiken. Dee listened to my stories about some of the Channel 67 people, and backed them up. The last time I spoke at length with Dee was at the Carroll County Historical Society.. one of the docents there used to work with her at the station and contributed lots of interesting information to our conversation.
Rest in Peace, Dee!
2. Missiles
In my magnum opus, yet to be written.. I'm thinking of having a chapter on material thrown/cast on or by my person. Some of the chapter stories will be like these:
a. BB's shot at my by my good friend, Casey, many years ago, and the outcome.
b. Skunk guts spurted on my car on the way to work.
c. Poop saved up and thrown at us kids by an old landscaper as we bicycled by.
d. The game we kids played where we threw stones and gravel at the kids in the middle.
e. The '45 bullets shot at me in the Crypto Van by someone I bested at the game of 21.
f. The snow balls I threw at a passing car, and the driver who wanted to kill me.
g. The snow ball I threw through the stained glass window of a Whaling Captain's home.
h. The sneezing powder I threw into a classmate's face and for which I am sincerely sorry.
i. The 2,000 paper airplanes I threw across the class room and into a closet, as a punishment.
j. All the unwarranted aspersions that I have cast over the years.
k. Tantrums I threw when I was a very young teenager and quite stupid.
l. Etc
3. BJ's
We went to BJ's today to get some patent medicine that we needed. Every time we go to that store, the book display gets smaller and smaller. Once, it held thousands of interesting books at reasonable prices.. now, there are a few hundred.. mostly kids' books, recipe books, some Debbie Macomber paperbacks, and a bunch of Fox News favorites.. Bill O'Reilly and such. Sad.
Elaine and I each ate one of BJ's quarter-pounder hotdogs.. now with an extra added attraction.. packets of sauerkraut! Imagine that.
4. My Itralian Toast Recipe
(This recipe was developed when I still thought that I was half-Italian.)
Ingredients: 2 nice clean eggs (150 calories)
2 garlic cloves (20 calories)
2 slices Banana Nut Bread or equivalent (180 calories)
1 tblspn butter or margarine (100 calories)
1 dash water (0 calories)
1. Heat an iron pan on medium for 2 minutes.
2. Break eggs into a Humpback Whale Mug; add a little water. Blend with a small whirrer.
3. Crush the garlic cloves with a garlic press.. or end of a sharp knife (you know how). Add the crushed garlic to the eggs in the mug. Blend with the whirrer.
4. Soak bread in the egg/garlic mixture.
5. Grease pan with margarine or olive oil (extra virgin, if you please).
6. Add toast to pan. Pour remaining fluid over the toast.
7. Cook until golden brown. Then move onto a clean fat plate.
8. Add butter or margarine to the top of the toast.
9. Salt to taste and eat with knife and fork. (mang' con gusto!)
Servings: 2 granddaughters (or) 1 Prepop
5. Wonderful Tips from Readers' Digest
a. Sprinkle chia, hemp, pumpkin, flax and sunflower seeds on your food. Lots of neat nutrients there.
(wait a minute.. is chia the stuff that sprouts on cute little ceramic doggies' backs? and.. doesn't hemp come from marijuana plants? will we be breaking the law by eating such seeds?)
b. If you have bags under your eyes, apply hemorrhoid cream, chilled wet tea bags, avocado, cold spoons or cucumber rounds. RD says that models do so when their eyes get a little puffy.
c. If you use the following acronyms, you should learn what they really stand for.
(1) WD-40 = Water Displacement - 40th formula
(2) CVS = Consumer Value Stores
(3) M+M's = Mars + Murrie's, the last names of the candy's co-owners
6. School Daze
The Progressive: If you were a teen-ager again, where would you like to go to high school?
If you said that Texas might be nice, look at this:
The Pentagon recently gave surplus armaments to ten different school districts in Texas, as follows:
64 M16 rifles
18 M14 rifles
25 automatic pistols
magazines capable of holding 4,500 rounds of ammunition
armor plating
tactical vests
15 surplus military vehicles
And this is for schools, not the police! What the hell is going on?!
7. Too much good food?
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: American's waists are growing. The average is now 38.8 inches and 54% of Americans are now considered obese.
Yesterday, I bought a new sports jacket... I though that a size 44 or 46 would do it. Instead, I had to get a size 50 in order for the doggone thing to button. Size 50....! Big Arnie wears a size 50! But, he has a few more muscles than I have, even though he's getting up there in age. So.. Time for a diet!!
Enough for now.
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