Friday, September 26, 2014

Maestro Dworkin's Visit

Sunny coolish  Fall day.. in fact, a glorious day.

"Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so."

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

01.  Are your happy yet?

This was a wonderful day at Carroll Lutheran Village, our current home town, because the Maestro came to visit and impart some of his vibes.  Maestro Dworkin, what a fantastic man.. at age 80, he moves like he is 30.  A constant whirr of activity.  He came to tell us how to live longer.. he brought some batons and we swung them about in time with some beautiful classical music.  

Everybody moved their arms and the ladies moved their hips as well.  In fact, at one point, the Maestro played Offenbach, can can music.. and some of the younger ladies amazed us at how high they could kick their legs.

I hope that I am as spry as the Maestro when I'm 80 years old.   Hey, wait a minute.. I am 80. 

The Dworkin family is quite famous.. Dan, David, Andrea, etc etc.  I see their names everywhere.. mostly in liberal media.. and some of the family is involved with certain ethical movements in the U.S.  

Anyway, the Maestro got everybody moving, even the grouchy man whose wife dragged him to the session... he was determined that he would not enjoy himself.. but the Maestro handed him a baton and suddenly the grouch became docile and facile with the instrument.

Of course, the batons turned out to be half of chopsticks.. but so what.. we drew them around and pretended we were Kousevitsky.  I don't know how Lynn Glaeser got Mr. Dworkin to appear here.. but I congratulate her for doing so.  As I said, a wonderful time was had by all.


Gotta go now.. busy busy busy day today and time has just flew by.


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