Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Ohio Crime; Ministers; Calling Myself; Man on Fire; Constitutional Rights; ISIS Recruit; One Day Learning; Suicide; Ganesh; Oy Godot; Guns

I think this is our first 90 degree this year.  The sky is very dark.. I think we are going to get a big storm.   Our mail person has apparently missed our neighborhood today.. I see that she is somewhere else.. that's ok, I didn't want to see my Discover bill anyway.

"I hate housework. You make  the beds, you do the dishes... and six months later, you have to start all over again."     Joan Rivers (Funny Paper)

01. *Crime ..  Ohio Mayhem

My Brother Joe, who lives in Bucyrus, Ohio, says that some vandals have ruined an outdoor wall mural and defaced a monument.  He has volunteered to help the perpetrators get to another dimension.   I wasn't aware that they did such bad things in Ohio.

02.  *Love .. New Ministers

New York Times: Elaine noticed that a New York couple were married by two of their friends who became ministers in the Church of Latter Day Dudes, just for the occasion.    My son tells me that he had heard of this church.

I think that my ministerial credentials are still valid; I don't think they had a time limit.

03.  Joe Vaughan calling

I got another call from myself.  I've been wondering how hackers do that.  I subscribe to a Hackers' Magazine, but haven't encountered anything about this yet.

 04.  Isn't he a "Hot Ticket"

Carroll County Times:  An Eldersburg, Maryland man was set on fire for 7 minutes to get into the Guiness Book of Records.  Doing this, one has to be very careful, otherwise body sweat becomes steam and one cooks like a New England lobster. 

This "fire guy" is part of a stuntman team, appropriately called: "The Misfits of Mayhem."

05.  The Constitution

Carroll County TimesCommissioner Rothschild (Mt. Airy) sez:  "There are political forces in this country that  are hellbent on taking away our citizen's rights."

(I agree with the Commissioner; however, its guys like him who are helping them, in my humble opinion.)

06.  Chutzpah!

Carroll County Times:  Former Army Psychiatrist, Nidal Hasan, now on Death Row for the 2009 shooting at Fort Hood, Texas, sent a letter to the ISIS leader, requesting citizenship with the group.  I guess he saw the video of that group beheading James Foley and is thirsting to get into action like that.

07.  Life Time Learning Idea

The New York Times has a full-page ad about the One Day University which is being offered on several upcoming Sundays.  Whole days of one-hour lectures by college professors on subjects like:

The Art of Aging
The Future of the Brain
Men, Women and Politics\
The Rise of the Ultra Wealthy

I was on a Carroll Lutheran Group looking into Lifetime Learning opportunities and this looks like it might be a good related idea.  I sent the ad to Lynn Glaeser, who heads the groups looking into making life more enjoyable for Senior Citizens.

08.  *Crime ..  Suicide?

TV News 11:  The gentleman I mentioned yesterday or the day before, who accidently revealed some pistols while being helped by a policeman.. the guy who had 7 felony convictions in Virginia ..  was found dead in his cell.  It is thought that it was suicide.  I guess that is why he was trying to get a gun, before he got rearrested. 

09.  "Happy" News

Baltimore Sun: Yesterday was "Happy Ganesh" day in India.  Ganesh is the Hindu deity that has an elephant head and is believed to grant prosperity and wisdom.. some things that we all need very badly.

10.  More "Happy" News

I thought that honey bees were almost gone.  I've only seen a couple in my back deck garden and hardly any pollinating butterflies.. perhaps that is why I've gotten just a few small yellow squash and only one skinny zucchini, even though there are plenty of patiently waiting yellow flowers.

But, two days ago, I visited my daughter, Diane's house.  Yes, the Gamber house where I used to live.  Once again, Diane has created a wonderland of beautiful flowers of all colors.  And, guess what.. there are hundreds of happy honey bees busily (buzzily?) doing their pollination job.  To help them out, scores of pretty butterflies are visiting other blossoms.  Diane has a green thumb gift, no doubt about it!

11.  Oy!

New  York Times:  The Irish Festival is underway in NYC.  Works by Irish playwrights are being featured in theaters. For example:  Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett is being played.. and in Yiddish!   (Most people can't even understand it in English.)

12.  Guns ..  Madness

Carroll County Times:  As usual, enthusiasm for stricter gun control is once again waning and this means that people have stopped their panicky purchasing of machine guns and prices for assault weapons have fallen.  Wholesalers are even advertising: "Buy 4, get 1 free!"

Have we gone completely mad?  What reason could be given for wanting to buy even one of these weapons whose only use is to kill people?  (When will they ever learn???!!)


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