Beautiful Sunny Day for the Election
"R's do it.
D's do it.
Even Independent fleas do it.
Let's do it.
Let's go and vote!"
From Cole Porter (with modifications by Mitch Edelman)
Well, Mitch Edelman has done it again. Another excellent column in the Carroll County Times. If the newspaper doesn't offer him some kind of contract, they are making a big mistake.
I'm quite surprised that I have only gotten 5 Robo-Calls this year. Lots of other calls that I haven't answered.. some of which may have been political.
I am going to make a prediction.. the Republicans will miss out on controlling the Senate.. sorry, Mitch McConnell..
If some of the anti-Obamacare nutcakes prove me wrong, I'll shut up, but in any event, I see nothing but more massive Congressional Crap for the next 2 years.
01. TRIAD .. Skimming Activity
A tech-savvy young crook is installing "skimming" equipment around the Frederick and Carroll County area and videoing people using the ATM machines. He gets account information from the videos so that he can help himself to those folks' money. So far, it is estimated that he has "skimmed" enough to get himself around $100,000. Watch out! If you must use an ATM machine, look around and if you see strange mechanisms, don't get your card out of your pocketbook. Notify the police if you are able to.
02. TRIAD .. Dumb Emailer
An Annapolis man, probably drunk at the time, sent an email to the White House threatening to behead the President and harm the First Lady. This "bright bulb" mustn't have realized that his name and telephone number were posted automatically, as part of his email message.
03. TRIAD .. Dumb Neighbor
A man's $10,000 tractor was stolen from his garage in 2013. Six months later, he spotted his next door neighbor using it to mow his grass. Well, his neighbor won't have to worry about mowing his grass now for a while.
04. Rest In Peace Elliott
I was surprised today to see an obituary for my friend, Elliott... the only person, I think, that has hated me for years. Some time ago, he visited our AARP meeting and made himself obnoxious about the future of Obamacare. He wrote a nasty letter to the Carroll County Times about the meeting and had all of the facts wrong. I sent a counter-letter to the newspaper saying that he must have attended a different meeting than I did, because nothing he said was what actually happened.
This made Elliott mad, and for years he would see me at functions and give me the evil eye, like that guy did who was in all of the Laurel and Hardy movies. Once, by mistake, he sat down next to me in a theater.. but he and I survived. The poor guy was the same age as me, and I hope that his hatred of me did not result in an earlier grave for him than was in the cards.
05. With Charity for All (Carroll County, Maryland)
"I see by the paper" that the President of Carroll Food Sunday says that his organization distributes 8,000 pounds of food every week to people who need it. That's got to be a lot of food.
Let's say that each person wanting food selects 10 pounds... a fair amount? That means that 800 people a week avail themselves of the service. Is that possible? If so, it is a shame that so many people in our community require so much help. Why do they? And what about the other charitable food suppliers, like NESAP and Catholic Charities?
06. The Dark Ages are still with Us? (Egypt)
New York Times: Egypt recently raided a Same Sex Wedding and arrested 8 men for homosexuality. Egyptian officials point out that homosexuality is a social taboo for both Moslems and Coptic Christians. (This sounds false to anyone who has waded through the Alexandrian Quartet.)
Somehow, I thought that Egypt was one of the free-thinking countries in the Middle East. I guess I was wrong. (Or.. maybe the couples did not pay the necessary bribes.)
07. New Authors (to me)
I had not known about these two authors until today, but I will be learning more about them in days to come.
Emile Gaboriau .. called the Edgar Allen Poe of France
Eugene Sue .. weird French author.. (One of his lovers stipulated in her will that her copy of Sue's Les Mysteres de Paris be rebound in her own skin.... it was.)
08. Can't keep us down!
The new 104 story #1 World Trade Center opened yesterday. (It is the tallest building in the U.S., but not the world.)
09. Christmas in Baltimore, Maryland
The famous yuletide record entitled: Crabs for Christmas was recorded and released by Baltimore actor, singer, and playwright, David de Boy and his group: "The Fool Brothers." That was in 2007 or so.. but the song had been around for at least 25 years before that.. in fact, I think that it was originally sung by Ed Walker of WAMU Radio. But.. why don't you go to YouTube and view DeBoy singing the song at Geppi's, with HON stuff around. Fun time. I will be Santa at our NARFE meeting in December, and maybe I can get a recording of Crabs to play as background. Hmmm.
Well, I guess I've covered enough stuff for today. See ya!
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