Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Camp Cops; Immigrant Kids; Graffiti; Compassion; Jesus; Diabetes Hope; Dow Jones; Kidnapped Girls; Lost Plane; Elephants; Noah; WalMart

Nice low humidity Summer Day. 

I did puzzles at the Train Your Brain session, attended an appreciation and photo op session for helping with the sales of the 2013 Creative Expressions for CLV, and went swimming with Elaine.  A very full day.

01.  *Police Stuff ..  Camp Cops

A  friend, Westminster Police Sargent, Keith Benfer, is the director of Camp Cops (Courage to be Outstanding with Pride and Self-Confidence)  which attempts to teach kids about police functions and the Police Academy; with lessons about drugs, alcohol and safety.   Nice  program. There was a write-up about the program in the local newspaper today.

02.  *Immigrant Children .. Graffiti Paint-over

The ignorant statements were painted over during the night by someone.. a good Samaritan? 

Prediction:  We will find out that the statements were painted by a misguided 13-year old kid, who had heard his father say dumb things.  The father, to protect his young Cretan, painted over the remarks.

03.  Carroll County Times .. Skinnier every day

Elaine observed right away that the local newspaper was getting smaller every day since they were bought out by Tribune Publishing, a new company that will be listed on the New  York Stock Exchange as TPUB and traded starting August 5th, 2014.

Even the obituaries are being written in a small type font.  One needs a magnifying glass to read them while you try to find out if you are mentioned.

04.  Diabetes .. Hope

Novartis and Google are working to develop a contact lens for diabetics that would allow them to check their blood sugar through tear fluid.  In addition, a method is being looked for to help diabetics to focus their eyes. 

05.  Dow Jones .. Statistics

I think that yesterday was the first time that the  Dow started above 17,000 and stayed there all day.  How long will we continue to get rich?

06.  *Immigrant Children ..  Teaching Compassion

Jim Lee, Editor of the local newspaper wrote an opinion piece today about the graffiti-writing jerks: "Hatred is everywhere, we aren't immune from it, but we can rise above it.  And as a caring and compassionate community, that should be what we teach our children, and the message we spread to our neighbors."

07.  *Immigrant  Children .. Jesus

Burke Stanton wrote to the Carroll County Times:  "I wonder what Jesus would have to say about politicians who avoid helping God's most vulnerable children in order to play hypocritical political games.

08.  *Kidnapped Girls .. News?

Its now been three months since 250 girls were kidnapped in Northern Nigeria by Islamic militants. A few have escaped, but 219 of them are still missing and perhaps have been sold into slavery.

09.  *Missing Plane ..  News?

I haven't seen anything written about the missing airline and the 200+ people on board.  Are searches still going on?  Time to bring in a seer.

10.  *Book Info ..  Elephant Company

This is a book by Sara Gruen which tells the  true story of an "Elephant Man" who cared for some of these creatures through two world wars and tells the adventures they all had just trying to stay alive.  It was "kind of" reviewed in the New York Times and I plan to read the book on my Kindle.  The New York Times reviewer says that he learned two remarkable facts about these animals.

a.  Elephants have a sense of smell that is five time stronger than that of a bloodhound.   Maybe we can train them to patrol folks in International Flights and point out illegal drugs or bomb material.  As my friend, Bill Engelhardt says: "Wouldn't that be a 'hoot'?"

b.  Elephants have six sets of teeth.  When one set runs out, the next shuttles in like on a slow conveyer belt. After the last (sixth) set is worn out, the elephant starves to death.

11.  *Creationism .. "Noah!".. "Yes, Lord!"

Speaking of big animals.. begging the question and in line with the donation of the "4000 year old dinosaur" to the Creationism Museum.. "How did Noah get two Brontosaurus specimens on the ark? And how many kinds of whales was he able to get into his gigantic shipboard aquariums?"

12.  WalMart the benevolent

WalMart reports that it gave cash and in-kind donations worth 7 million dollars to State of Maryland non-profits in fiscal 2014. The American Red Cross and the Arc (Baltimore) were a couple of the recipients.

Its a shame they couldn't share some of their billions of dollars of income to raise the hourly wages of their employees. (Did I miss it?  Are they going to do that?)  Any way, they seem to treat their top executives rather well.  Each received between 8 and 25 million in total compensation in the last fiscal year. Could anybody be worth that much money?

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