Saturday, July 19, 2014

Immigrant Children; Religion; Hole in the Ground; Write-Ins; Auto Repair Scam; Pizza Con; Wait, Wait; Civil War Draft Notices; Transgender Deaths

Cool day.. in the 70's..  it would be nice to sit outside on the deck and read.. however, our "in the valley" neighbor, Burnie, is doing just that.. burning pine wood pallets on his patio and the smoke is permeating the neighborhood.  Elaine would like to complain about him, but it is easy to tell that Burnie would not like that and then we would have a lot more problems than smelly smoke.  Burnie has lived in his little "pleasure dome" for a lot longer time than we have lived here, and I would rather have him as a neighbor than somebody with a lot of teenage kids with loud amplifiers. 

01.  *Immigrant Children ..  a Different Viewpoint

John Cullom Jr writes to the Carroll County Times:  "Many of the individuals brought into the country illegally have been proven to be criminals and gang members, and have also been diagnosed with communicable diseases."

(I've heard that a lot around Carroll County, but I have not seen or read anything that confirms it.)

02.  *Immigrant Children .. Saving other Honduran Lives?

Members of the "New Hope Church Fellowship Team Honduras" spent a week in Pena Blanca, Honduras. and did "good  works" there. 

Did the Government of Honduras ask them for help?
Did they see any evidence of children preparing to illegally enter the U. S.?
Did it look like a bad place for children to live?
Was this a missionary activity?  Weren't they already Christians?  Maybe Catholics?
Who paid for all those people to travel to Honduras?
Would that money have been better spent in Carroll County?

03.  *Religion .. Psalm Sign

The North Carroll Assembly of God configured their outside sign to say:

"Psalm 33:12  Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."

Could someone explain this to me?  Isn't the Lord God?  Isn't God Lord?
I'm mixed up.

04.  *Religion .. More VBS Titles

Two more churches advertised their Vacation Bible School schedules today, with the "catchy" names they have given to their one week fun time for kids. (I can't remember right now, but I think that I sent my three kids to some of these type of Summer sessions: I can remember going to some myself... a long time ago.  In those days, our VBS sessions did not have tricky names to "catch" attendees.

VBS 1:  Gangway to Galilee .. Amazing Grace Adventure
VBS 2:  Jungle Safari

05,  *Religion .. New Caliphate

The new State (Islamic Caliphate) established by force in parts of Syria and Iraq has issued rules that must be followed by Christians and others, if they want to live there.

1. You must be Muslim,  or,
2. You must convert to ISLAM, or,
3.  Pay the Jizya tax, or,
4.  Stay there with your head cut  off.

06.  *Hole in the Ground ..  Pictures?

The newly discovered Siberian "hole in the ground" appeared in 2012, but did not get noticed until now. (How do they know that?) There are interesting pictures on Google, but I could not find any pictures looking down into the hole.  Perhaps the photographers don't want to take a chance and fall down and down and down.. just like Alice in Wonderland.

07.  *Politics .. More Write-Ins

Sean Shaffer will join Jim Rowe in challenging Richard Rothschild for District 4 Commissioner.  Sean was in the Primary, but only got around 4 % of the votes cast (and there sure were not many votes cast!)  Anyway, both Sean and Jim will be  write-in candidates.  Unfortunately, this means that votes against Rothschild will be diluted.  Time will tell.

08.  *Scams ..  Auto Repair

In a twist on an old scam, an auto repair man would send a 94 year old woman a bill each week for over $900.  The lady paid it for a long time until a relative found out and notified police.  The 94 year old had taken her old Plymouth in for minor repair, and each of his bills apparently had a note attached, telling her that the car repairs were almost completed.

(I hope the Judge orders that this auto repair scammer is to have his dip stick removed!)

09.  *Criminals ..  Chutzpah

A shoplifter asked that he be given the phone so that he could make the one call that he was entitled to upon being arrested.  Nobody noticed who he called, until the pizza guy showed up with his order.

10.  Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!

The show I love, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me! mentioned the following items that interested me:

a.  CIA employees are angry about the food served in their cafeteria:

.. regular Pepsi is coming out of the spigot for Diet Pepsi! and there were cherry tomatoes in the Jazz salad, instead of grapes!

(Poor babies!)

b.  Briefs.. a new case to hold your valuables.. it is painted to look just like a pair of dirty men's Jockey Shorts.

c.  First Lady, Bess Truman, would send her clothes back to Missouri for cleaning.

d.  Food experts have now done magic to create Brusselkale.. yes, all kids will be happy to know that now they can get their Brussell Sprouts and Kale together in one pretty green vegetable.

e.  Chinese couples in Hong Kong love to get married at the Hong Kong McDonald's.  It is famous in that area for staging weddings.

f.  At a Canadian college, one of the classes has the title:  Beyoncé.  I have no idea what is taught in the class, but I can guess.

(Wait a minute!  My Spell Check put that accent over Beyoncé, not me... see, it did it again... amazing!)

g.  A study using brave candidates (in England, I think) spent a lot of time smelling "hydrogen sulphate (namely: fart smell).  Their finding:  smelling farts may prevent strokes and cancer.

(Eleven year old boys have recognized the benefits of fart smelling for years.)

11.  *Government ..  Computer Bug

The United States Selective Service computer had a weird bug, because it caused draft notices to be sent to (the ghosts of?) 14,000 men who were born in the 1800's.  (I'd love to get hold of the one sent to my grandfather Vaughan.)

12.   Transgender Tragedies

For the second time in a month,  a transgender woman was killed in Baltimore.  I hope that this is not a "Jack the Ripper" type crime.  Police are not sure yet if the crimes are related, but I'll bet they are.  There are a lot of nuts out there and transgender people need protection until our culture finally grows up. 

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