Overcast and not too hot, nice day.
Elaine accompanied me to the dermatologist's office today. I was checked to make sure that the 3 cancer spots that I sprouted have all gone away. They are gone; however, something has popped up near one of my ears, and had to be biopsied. The dermatologist prescribed something to get rid of all the sunburn related spots and funny places on my forehead. I have to put cream on one half of my forehead for three weeks, then let it all heal for a week and do the same for the other half. During the three weeks, I may experience pain, itching, squeezing and some other stuff.. if its too unbearable, I am to discontinue the treatment. Also, as a bi-product of the treatment, I may get very red, have what looks like acne.. and maybe even look like what the doctor said .. that I might look like a truck hit me. (Great to look forward to. But in the end, I should look beautiful, with forehead skin smooth like a baby's bottom. Believe that?)
01. Miller's Grant
On July 10th, ground-breaking was held for Miller's Grant, a sister continuing care community like the one we live in. Its sponsored by the same Lutherans. Already, 80% of the residences have been reserved. The required shovel-wielding photo had a note that read: "Lisa Albin/submitted photo". So now, everybody will know who submits a picture.. even those that are self-serving, especially from politicians. I have pictures to submit, but they are stuck somehow in my camera and I can't extract them.. a mystery that I have to solve.
02. Sorry, China
McDonald's and KFC have apologized to the Chinese people for some food misdemeanors.
a. MCDonald's accepted meat from an American affiliated supplier that had been dropped on the floor and picked up and returned to where it was.
b. KFC accepted chicken pumped up with excessive amounts of anti-biotics.
On another day, WalMart suppliers in China attempted to pass fox meat off as donkey meat!
03. Immigrant Children .. John Culleton agrees with me
In his column today, John Culleton gives the quote that I have been suggesting that our leaders remember: "Suffer little children to come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
John reminds everyone of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, signed into law by George W. Bush. this law requires judicial action before removal but the required judges are overloaded right now with cases.
04. Immigrant Children .. Governor Martin O'Malley agrees with me
Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, meeting with "future leaders" said that these immigrant children should be held in foster homes while awaiting judicial action. I have mentioned this solution before. I like it.
05. Immigrant Children .. Dan Rodricks Lambastes Andy Harris
In his Baltimore Sun column today, Dan Rodricks lambastes Republican Representative Andy Harris for his stand against helping the immigrant children. He says: "Harris is a doctor, but apparently not a compassionate one. Maybe he should start his own organization as a conservative counterweight to rampant humanitarianism. He could call it Doctors With Borders.
06. Johns Hopkins .. $ for Doctor Misconduct
World-famous Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore has agreed to split $190 million among the thousands of women who had their pelvic exams surreptitiously videotaped by the gynecologist, Doctor Nikita A Levy. It will be covered by insurance.
07. Crime by Repetition
An 18 year old staggering drunk visited a Baltimore liquor store several times last week, and stole a bottle of liquor each time. One time, he was accosted by a clerk and he hit the clerk with a bottle of vodka.
During his arrest, a box of Mucinex DM was found on his person... supposedly it can be abused to gain a special "high." (Thank you, Sun Paper, for giving this information to kids who like to get "high" by trying novel things.)
08. Ashamed?
I came across this statistic in an old American Heritage Magazine, and I felt a great sadness come over me.
"In 1864 one of the most shameful chapters in American history was written at Sand Creek (Colorado): U. S. troops slaughtered 130 men, women, and children of the Arapaho and Cheyenne tribes after they assembled in response to a U. S. - convened peace parley."
Sounds like the actions of Hitler's Storm Troopers!
09. Buckyballs
Buckyballs are finally being recalled at the end of a long legal hassle. The magnetic balls can do a job on your insides when more than one is swallowed. They clump together. Although the Company Maxfield and Oberton has shut its doors, the more than two million holders of Buckyballs could receive refunds.
10. Brother Joe's Booktitles
Here are a few more of the booktitles re-written by my brother Joe:
Hemingway tale about a farmer who makes sure his boy gets up early: The Son Also Rises
Dicken's book about a guy who can really spit: Great Expectorations
Tolstoy tome about a guy who fatally scratches himself: The Death of I've An Ill Itch
11. The Caterpillar Crawls Offshore
Caterpillar, Inc, the world's largest maker of construction and mining machines has used a tax loophole to abuse the public trust. Even though I do have some Caterpillar sock, I must report that they have quietly shifted some 8 billion dollars in profits gained from selling parts on the global market into a Swiss subsidiary in order to avoid paying more than two billion dollars in taxes owed to the US.
12. *The Supremes .. Opinion
Frank C. Rohrig writes "this court (the male justices) shall go down in history as the most radical, extreme, conservative cabal to ever be so antithetical to the very meaning of the word JUSTICE. (Some day) the moneyed interest these justices shill for in their rulings shall be exposed and eventually overturned in some legislative way by the majority who hold out for belief in the Equalitarian Society promised but not yet achieved."
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