Overcast and hot.. and muggy.. typical Summer day. No thunderstorm yet.
01. *Immigrant children .. Hate Crime
Some Cretan spray painted on the former Army Reserve Center in Westminster, Maryland yesterday. The Center had been investigated to see if it would qualify as a place to house some of the child immigrants. It didn't. However, some genius spray painted the following:
Unbelievable. No wonder people in other parts of Maryland call us "Hicksville." Even though it is a great place to live, there are a lot of nutbags that call it home.
02. *Wakefield Valley .. Burglaries
We live in Wakefield Valley, right next to a now-closed golf course and restaurant area. Today, the Carroll County Times reported that the area has been burglarized 15 times in the last three months. So, the police will be installing cameras around the property which will now have a 25 foot buffer zone around the houses that abut the area. The former golf course has been donated to the City of Westminster, which will make it into a park, with hiking trails and sports areas. In return, the City will allow the former owner to retrieve as much water as he wants from the area's well system.
Elaine feels that the City will set up a Sports Complex and the noise and lighting will degrade our standard of living. Maybe.
03. *Hobby Lobby .. When does pregnancy begin?
Master columnist, Mitch Edelman, lambastes the Supreme Count on their Hobby Lobby decision. He says that although the Hobby Lobby owners believe that pregnancy begins when egg meets sperm, medical and scientific data says the start of pregnancy is when a fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine wall, and none of the (contraceptive) methods Hobby Lobby objects to actually terminate a pregnancy.
04. *Political Cartoon
I don't understand the political cartoon that is shown in today's Carroll Country Times. It shows a person with a high hairdo and glasses holding an "Impeach Obama" sign.. but a décolleté lady standing next to him is telling him to tone it down. Why? Is this a dig on the Texas Governor? Louisiana? Time will tell.
05. Live in Carroll County? .. Embarrassed?
Frank Batanick wrote a letter to the Carroll County Times today, in which he says he is "outraged and embarrassed to be a Carroll Countian because of the hypocrites we have for leaders."
06. *Sgt Bergdahl .. Free to Roam
Sargent Bergdahl is now able to return to Army duty, but is still under investigation. He is; however, able to roam around the base and even leave it if he feels like it. (The people rallying against him sound like the Swift Boat group, who turned out to be liars.)
07. Four thousand year old *dinosaur .. donated to the Creationism Museum
Michael Peroutka, candidate for the Ann Arundel County Counsel and a bad debt collector, has donated a fossil dinosaur to the Creationism Museum for an exhibit that claims that such creatures were around four thousand years ago, regardless of what scientists say.
By the way, the Carroll County Times reports that Mr. Peroutka donated $4000 to help the election efforts of Richard Rothschild (Mr. Conservative) in 2013.
08. Muslim Rights .. Petition
For the third year in a row, Dr. Bash Pharoan has asked the Baltimore County School Board to close the schools for two Muslim holidays each year as they do for Christians and Jews. It sounds fair to me, but the School Board just ignores the good Doctor.
09. Johns Hopkins Hospital .. not #1 this year!
The U.S. News and World Report has ranked the Johns Hopkins Hospital as number 3 in the Country this year, behind the Mayo Clinic and Mass General. All three of these hospitals are "world class" facilities, and Hopkins Administrators are not worried. They hope to learn something by finding how these other hospitals beat them out. A good read is the story of how Hopkins came into being and how its experiences were closely followed by other hospitals that were trying to be the best that they could be.
10. Cleveland, Ohio .. The Mayor
Jules Witcover tells some great stories about Ralph Perk, former mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. The Cayahoga River through Cleveland once got set on fire, it was so polluted. And once, Mayor Perk set his hair on fire with a blowtorch at a ceremonial opening. Also, once, on a plane flying over northern Ohio, the mayor pointed out of a window and boasted about how impressive his city looked from that height. One of his aides whispered in his ear: "Mr. Mayor, that's Akron."
His wife got some ridicule as well, when she turned down a White House dinner invitation because it was being held on her bowling night!
11. *Uber .. at Annapolis
The city of Annapolis has ordered Uber (ride-sharing) to stop its service until it registers as a taxi Company. Uber officials repeat they are not a taxi company, but a computer application that connects riders to drivers.
12. Snapple Wisdom
Now there is another way to get smart. Just drink Snapple products and read the fact outlined under the bottle cap. For instance:
Real Fact #691) The Archer Fish can spit water up to 7 feet to shoot down bugs from overhanding leaves.
Real Fact #885) Vultures can fly for six hours without flapping their wings.
Now, see, there are other ways than doing Crossword Puzzles to keep your brain supple and eager to suck up new knowledge, even from tea-based drinks.
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