A nice 5th of July... low 70's, low humidity and sun. It got me motivated enough to plant my two cucumber plants in earthboxes. I will need to fertilize them profusely, since I did not completely clean up their new homes.
01. Newspapers
Today, as I looked at my digital edition of the Baltimore Sun, I noticed that the stories and the pictures were exactly the same as those in the Carroll County Times. Luckily, I realized that before and have made arrangements to have the New York Times delivered. Hopefully, I will also be able to access their digital edition. (Time will tell.)
02. Campaign Signs
It looks like we will have to live with ugly campaign signs littering the by-ways. In Carroll County, Maryland it is legal for such signs to remain up on storefronts and lawns for as long as the property owner wishes. The signs can even be for persons who lost in the latest election.
03. Burp!
Joey Chestnut (30) won his 8th consecutive hot dog eating contest at Coney Island in New York. He ate 61 wieners and buns in 10 minutes. The women's winner, Miki Sido (28) managed to down 34 hot dogs. The contest was sponsored once again by Nathan's.
04. Presidential Respect?
The Carroll County Times displayed another cartoon bashing President Obama, showing him as a crybaby. The cartoon is by "Lisa" from the Washington Post Writers Group. I think that we should be encouraging him, rather than be constantly knocking him down. I know. We bashed George W. too and perhaps even more mercilessly... but then, he deserved it for any number of reasons, one of which was by getting us into a war with Iraq for false reasons. Obama's goal has always been the good of the nation, especially our young people, the disabled, and senior citizens.
05. Not getting Malled any more.
Bloomberg writer, James Greiff writes about the disappearance of malls in the United States. He mentions that the "second biggest mall in the US is The Mall of America in Minnesota." Wait a minute... I thought that the Mall of America was the biggest mall in the world. Wrong, dumbbell!
The biggest malls in the world are in China and the Phillipines. The Mall of America comes in 21st, beaten out by the King of Prussia mall in Pennsylvania! My illusions are shattered.
06. Vacation Bible School
I remember Vacation Bible School (VBS) from my youth and I thought that they lasted all Summer. There are 5 of them advertising in the paper today, and the time frame is 5 to 6 days only. I remember VBS as a time to play and have fun.. I don't remember anything about the Bible teaching. But, what I learned is probably hidden in the deep dark recesses of my heathen brain.
I like the names that the advertisers have given to their sessions in order to get more business than the others:
1. Wilderness Escape - Where God Guides and Provides (Has a nice ring to it.)
2. Weird Animals.. ending each day with the Tail End.
3. International Spy Academy Agents of the One True God.
4. Son Treasure Island.
5. Workshop for Wonders: Imagine and Build With God.
This one-upsmanship reminds me of a story of ancient China.. where farmers needed scarce manure to fertilize their fields. They would set up elaborate outhouses on the edges of their properties, close to the by-ways. They tried to make their free conveniences look better than their neighbors' and that way get more deposits.
I suppose the VBS's rely on free-will donations to cover their expenses, although one charges $10 per child (with a "special" of $25 for all the kids in a family.)
07. Theodicy?
Neighbor, Reverend Lou Piel published his monthly religious column today, which causes me to ask: "Lou, why is there evil in the world, if God is all powerful?" I think Lou would respond: "God gave us free will, so we alone are responsible for the evil in the world." Nice try, Lou, but I think its a "cop out." Sorry.. but I will "think on it" some more.
08. Useful Champagne
If you were the Queen of all Britain, what would you expect the biggest warship built to date to be called: Of course: HMS Queen Elizabeth. Christened in Scotland last Friday.
09. A Likeness? No way!
Prince William had his royal visage painted recently, and it has made royalty lovers in Britain angry, because it is not a good likeness. I agree. William kind of likes it, or says he does. I think that Henry VIII would have locked the artist up in the Tower of London for this "wreck of art."
10. Revenge!
Palestinians attending the funeral of the 16 year old that may have been murdered to avenge the three murdered Israeli teen agers, shouted: "They killed our friend, and now they have to pay for it!" It goes on and on and on and on. (When.. when.. when will they ever learn!)
11. Freudian?
I think I heard a church person on NPR.. announce "The Feast of the Holy Uterus".. I must have heard that wrong.. could it have been the Holy Eucharist? .. You see.. I'm not a Catholic so I don't know about these religious things.
12. Tony's Brother
Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me had a repeat of their interview with Tony Shalhoub.. you remember: Mr. Monk. This was the show where he owned up to having a brother named Dan, who invented the ShaPoopie. The ShaPoopie is a telescoping dog poop catcher that sells for $24.95. A great invention for those afraid of being arrested by the poop police.
This is not to be confused with the song Shipoopi for the Music Man musical by Meredith Wilson.
A Shipoopi is a girl who only will allow a kiss on the third date. (The word was coined to be something that would appeal to the naughty minds of eleven year olds.)
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