Thursday, June 08, 2006

More Chimpanzee Talk and the Marriage Issue

In my last post, I was wrong about the biologists.. they were Boston scientists, from MIT and Harvard. Apparently, they came to their conclusion that early "man" mated with chimpanzees, based on genome studies. I believe they said that some kind of interbreeding occured for a million years.

I wonder if it is genetically possible for humans and chimps to mate now. All this reminds me of the bad joke whose punchline starts: "Zookeeper! Zookeeper!"

I just read on one blog that Aids (read HIV) was probably caused by humans eating dead infected chimpanzees. I don't know much about the subject.

Elaine wants me to talk about the "marriage issue". She feels that a better subject for the Senate to take up is "divorce", which ruins 50% of all marriages. She is especially mad about "no fault" divorce.. what has happened to the concept that married people should stay married? How many of the posturing Senators have divorced their first wife in favor of a younger, more photogenic one? Yesterday, I was looking at pictures of some prominent CEO's and it appeared to me that these 70 year old guys had wives who looked like they were 30 years old. Or.. perhaps because they have so much money, their 70 year old wives have been able to have face, body and hair transplants.

More on this later.

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