Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Day in the Life of Joe Vaughan

Overcast and a little rainy... very muggy and middle 80's.

Today was a very strange day.. let me lay it out for the benefit of my progeny who may be interested in such mundane things.

6:30 AM  ..  Stagger out of bed
...Wash dishes; feed cat; fix my breakfast; prepare for TRIAD Meeting; read newspaper;
9:30 AM  ..  Leave for TRIAD Meeting
9:50 AM  ..  Conduct TRIAD Meeting
Meet Wils, Police Intern, "shadowing" Sargent Keith Benfer
Pick Keith's brain about Westminster Police stuff
Pick Stan Prouser's brain about his recent Australia trip for his daughter's wedding.

... Stan story:  While Stan was in Australia, a fisherman dropped his favorite lure into a lake.  He dove in to retrieve it and was eaten by "Michael Jordan"  a 14 foot long alligator.  The alligator was shot.

An enterprising gentleman had been leading trips across the lake for several years, and one of the attractions was feeding "Michael Jordan".. every day at 3PM, the alligator would show up next to the boat and wait while a large hunk of meat was dangled from a hook over his head.  The alligator would then leap out of the water and devour his lunch.  A great crowd pleaser and a money-maker for the boat owner. 

The day after "Michael Jordan" was shot..  the boat man and his guests anxiously awaited the alligator's appearance at 3PM... of course, he never showed up.   The boatman is now suing the guy who shot "Michael Jordan."  Sounds like the making of a folk legend.

Pick the brains of the others at the TRIAD meeting.. except for "the old lady."

Yes.. I kept her waiting until the last because I knew she would talk on and on and on.
She started by being very critical of all of us and how we conduct the meeting.
After a while, I got tired of her and kicked her out of the meeting.
Yes, I kicked a 90 year old woman in a wheelchair out of a meeting.  (You had to be there.)
She immediately complained about me to the Center Leader.. you could hear snatches of he tirade.. "respect".. "wheelchair"..  etc etc.

So, after the meeting, I gave the leader my side of the story.. and she was nice and listened.

Later, I saw "the old lady" in the hall, and I said: "I apologize."  She said: "Apology accepted." So I guess we are friends again.  I just cannot let her come to any more meetings if I don't want to lose the other members.

My action reminded me of an old Joke.   Max took his son on a train ride to his old home town.

When they got off the train at the station, a man came running up with his hand out to be shaken.  He yelled:  "Hey, Max, how are you?"    Max said: "Go to hell!" Max' son was shocked and embarrassed.

Later, the son was walking through the town alone, and he came upon the man from the station.  The son said: "Sir, I am very sorry for the way my father treated you this morning.  He really isn't like that, and I apologize for him."

The man from the station said: "That's OK.  Oh, by the way, is your mother still sleeping with the milkman?  And your sister, did she have an abortion?  And your uncle, is he still in jail for burglary?"

The son said:  "Go to hell!"

..... Ok.. other than that the TRIAD meeting was a success.  We discussed all of the crime that has taken place in Carroll County during the last week.  We learned that the Black Gorilla Gang members who were involved in taking over the Baltimore city prison, have been transferred to a California prison.. the only bad thing about that is... it's a swap.. they get our bad guys and we get some of their bad guys.

We also learned that the highly successful Carroll County Senior Expo will not take place in October of 2014, but will take place in spring of 2015.  It is being changed so that it will not interfere with similar expos in Baltimore and Howard Counties.

After TRIAD, I donated the uneaten cookies to the Senior Center.. nobody ate a cookie at our meeting.. I wonder why?  They were good chocolate chips.  Maybe it was because the guy with coffee never showed up.  Next time, I'll have to remind him, because I wrote in a letter to the editor of the local newspaper that we would be serving coffee and cookies at TRIAD.

11:30 AM: I had a little time available after TRIAD, so I went to Wendy's for a hamburger.  The counter clerk asked me what kind of cheese I wanted on my hamburger... I said: "No cheese"... This threw the young lady into a mini panic, and she had to go ask the manager how to handle my request.  Finally, I got a semi-dried burger on a cold white roll.  I'm a Wendy's shareholder and I should have written a note somewhere telling managers that a warm toasted roll makes a diner happy and eager to return.. and as a shareholder they should try my suggestion.

After Wendy's, I still had time and went to Staples to look at FitBit type electronics.  They all indicate that they record steps, calories, and sleep activity.  We'll see.. I have one ordered from Amazon.

12:30 PM  Now it was time to go to the farmer's market at the Hospital.  I bought 2 fat cukes, 2 fat cantalopes   and six chubby ears of corn.  Nice stuff that you cannot get at a regular grocery store... at least not as tasty.  Speaking of tasty, neighbor Stan Milligan brought us some more bright red tomatoes.. also very tasty. 

1:30 PM Next was gasoline.  The pump would not accept my credit card until I had submitted it 8 or 9 times. But it finally worked and my Giant Grocery points allowed me to spend 50 cents a gallon less than the going rate.

2:30 PM And for the finale.. it was the day that Dr. Goldman, retina specialist sticks a needle in my right eye to keep my macular degeneration from disabling me.  Now, I have two black dots flying around my vision.  One is very small and I'm used to ones like that.  The other, however, is big as a housefly, which is what it looks like to me.. and is why I keep trying to swat it.  Such is life when you get old.

I may have mentioned this before, but one time I had my eyes checked by a new guy at the retina office.  He was obviously a regular guy who was up to date on slang, because he told me: "Hey, man, your right eye ain't doin' so good, but your left eye.. it's smokin'!"

5:30 PM  On the way home, it started to rain and my glasses kept fogging up, and my eye-poke was hurting, and my eyes were dilated... so, I treated myself to a Boston Crème Donut at Dunkin' Donuts!
Just a little reward for a day of some aggravation. 

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