Warm sunny Summer day.
"Senator Ted Yoho (R-Florida) called a tanning salon tax 'racist' because it penalizes white people."
(Chuck Hersch in Funny Paper)
01. Fast Food Merger?
Burger King may buy Tim Hortons and pull an "inversion" move to Canada to avoid US taxes. The US Corporate Tax rate is 35% while the Canadian Tax rate is 15%.
I like Tim Horton's stock.. I get dividend checks in the mail regularly from old Tim. Not much, but still a lot more than Bank interest. The merger may never take place because of the bad US publicity it would generate for the King. Time will tell.
02. Pound of Flesh
The obnoxious old lady that was ejected from our TRIAD meeting has now called the Sherriff's office to complain, even though I apologized and she "accepted." She will probably continue until she gets all the mileage she can, or until she hits on some other perceived "injustice."
03. *Crime .. Cat Beating may not be
According to a Carroll County Times delivery guy, he was the person who was front page fodder for animal cruelty to a cat. His story is, the cat was in the road and he accidently hit it, then picked it up off the ground, when it hissed and tried to bite him, causing him to drop it. In the early hour (5:30 am) it may have looked as though he threw it on the ground. Case closed?
04. *Crime .. Bomb Threat
The Giant employee who was accused of making a Courthouse bomb threat, has had her charge dismissed.. no reason given. She still will be required to defend herself for allegedly threatening an officer while in custody.
05. *Crime .. Drug Money
My Police contacts tell me that I was wrong about drug arrestees usually having large amounts of money on their persons. Normally the dealer has an accomplish hold the money so the police can't confiscate it. That's a lot like pickpockets who immediately transfer the wallet or purse to an accomplice.
06. Earthquake
It looks like the main victim of the magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Napa Valley, California was wine in barrels. I hope the wine didn't all spill out.
07. *Politics .. Rick Perry
Did the lawyer for Texas Governor, Rick Perry get a dismissal by saying it is unjust to prosecute the leader of a state because he used a veto?
08. *Education .. Home Schooling
A Carroll County Maryland mother pulled her child out of public school because of Common Core. Her son, a former A+ student in math, started coming home from school "stressed out." (I'm sorry, but I would have looked for "bullying".. it seems to me that an A+ student in Math is smart enough to adjust to new .. and easier .. methods of teaching that subject.)
09. Music?
Sandy Miller, the director of the Westminster Band says that at one time Westminster, Maryland had close to 50 different community bands. Now there are only 2 or 3 left.
Where are these 3 bands? How come I've never heard about them before? Were those 50 bands all in one year? If so, did they have competitions? Concerts?
Sandy says that the band travels to Baltimore and Lancaster. Why Lancaster? Serenade the Amish residents?
10. Playboy Bunnies in Town
A Playboy club opened in Baltimore in 1964. Some of the serving ladies (bunnies) came back to Baltimore last week for a convention. In the pictures the Sun Paper published, most of these ladies still look good.
Baltimore had a Playboy Club, DC did not. Nya Nya! To enter the club, you had to buy a membership for $100. I visited a couple of times and I know I did not pay such a price. I must have been a guest of somebody. The Bunnies had to go to a "Bunny Boot Camp" where they learned to pour drinks in such a way that customers would not get "boobs in the face." The club closed in 1977.
11. Mensa Material?
"I once scored a perfect 100 on my IQ test." Gary Beadle (Mensa Bulletin)
12. German Criticism
Daniel Haufler in the Berliner Zeitung writes: "... the higher the black population in a state, the lower that state's social spending. Ongoing white resentment of the civil rights movement that took away their privilege is the reason the U.S. is the only developed country in which a major party, the GOP, 'wants to abolish the welfare state.' That party is also actively trying to change state electoral laws to disenfranchise African-Americans. It isn't just the police that must change.. it's the entire culture."
(How come we can't see what this German.. and the rest of the world.. sees?)
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