Friday, August 22, 2014

Garlic; Water to Drink; Culture Minister; Sleep; Shoes; Scam; Ignorance; Dow Jones; Guns; Thinking; Buffett; Iron Lady

Overcast.. some rain.. 77 degrees.

"Time flies like the wind,
Fruit flies like bananas."


01.  Don't breathe on me!

Garlic contains allicin which produces antioxidants to help prevent heart disease and certain cancers.
Raw garlic preserves the antioxidant properties better than cooked garlic. (sez Sodexo)

02.  How much water should you drink? sez:  "To determine one's ideal daily water intake, divide  your bodyweight in half and use this number as the ounces of water you should consume."

So, for a 200 or so pound chubby person like me.. I should drink 100 ounces of water daily.. that is over 12 8-ounce glasses.  I don't think I make that.. so I'm probably constantly dehydrated.

03.  New Culture Minister

BBC Music:  The Culture Minister in Britain is 44 year old Sajid Javid, a "political high-flyer" marked by right-wingers as perhaps a Prime Minister someday.  He is a different British politician.. he is the son of a Pakistani immigrant bus driver, and a hard worker who has made himself rich as a banker.  He also managed to get into the cabinet without going to Eton.. a rare accomplishment.

Interesting.. but why does Britain need a "culture minister" anyway?  Does the United States need one?  Does he "ride herd" on the BBC?  I need to check this out.

04.  Nightie Night!

I haven't gotten much sleep for the past week because I've had to get up early to take care of some of my organizational commitments.  In a sleep study, it was determined that people who get less sleep than they need functioned at only 20% of the level of people who slept more.  I wonder about that.

A famous singer said that he never slept more than 3 hours each night.. but his friends said that he really got 4 hours sleep.  He finally burned himself out and died.  A sad loss for the world of music. Perhaps you remember his song:  Never Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd.  Yes, it was Roger Miller. 

I'm going to misquote Ben Franklin here:  Ben said:

4 hours of sleep is enough for a man
5 hours of sleep is enough for a woman
6 hours of sleep is enough for an idiot

I'm sure that I'm a little off on this, but you get the idea.  Ben didn't like sleeping when there were so many things to invent and marvelous places to go, and wonderful things to do.

05.  All pumped up!

Kellee Khalil, 29 years old, and founder of, New York.. says:  "When I first moved to New York, I had 65 pairs (of shoes), but closet space is an issue, so there was a purging.  I'm down to 35."

I'm sorry.. how many pairs of shoes does a person need.. at least a guy... one nice pair to wear to weddings; one pretty good pair to wear everywhere else.  That's it. Everything else is gluttony.

06.  *Crime .. Scam .. Driving School Referrals

In Tennessee,  a judge was sent to prison after an F.B.I. probe found that he was taking kickbacks for sending offenders to a driving school.  These kickbacks were estimated to be for thousands of dollars.

07.  Ignorant "Thinking" (if you can call it that)

The Washington Spectator reported on some of the "thinking" about the President and his "agenda" by outspoken critics, for example:

"Common Core curriculum has been developed to control our children, to brainwash them."

"When they have the data, they will control the population.  They will take away our individuality, our individual rights."

"Our President is a puppet."

"The President terrifies me... he's taking away our freedoms.. I worry about my grandchildren."

(These people have probably been spending too much time with Fox News and perhaps listening to the likes of Texas and Louisiana politicians.)

08.  Happy Days are here again!

The Dow Jones average nudged above the 17,000 mark again today.  Also, Pepco notified me that my shares will be increased if an upcoming merger goes through.  Ah.. to be in that upper 1% again....

09.  Are you holdin'?

A young black man was shot by police for carrying a bb gun through a WalMart in Ohio.  Ohio is an "open-carry state", and holding a gun is legal as long as it is visible.  So why did this man get shot?  Maybe its against the law to carry a replica of a real gun in Ohio?

10.  More "Thinking"

Dean Minnich and Lou Piel are always asking folks to "think"... well, that is all well and good for the average citizen in Maryland (can't say as much for other states).. however, some of our politicians have tried this thinking thing but weren't very good at it, so they gave up.

11.  Failure to Report

I'm disillusioned, my hero, Warren Buffett and his Berkshire Hathaway company will be paying close to a million dollars fine because they failed to report a transaction as required by the Hart-Scott-Rodino Anti-trust law.  Of course, a million dollars is "chump change" to Mr. Buffett.

12.  Iron Lady

An Indian human rights activist has been on a long hunger strike to protest army atrocities.  Irom Sharmila, who runs the Just Peace Foundation was released yestertday.. she had been force fed through the nose three times a day for 14 years!  Every year she has been released and then rearrested for attempted suicide, a crime in India.  She is known as the Iron Lady of Manipur.

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