Sunny, hot, nice.
"Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them." Albert Einstein
01. Guns for Jesus
Back in March of this year, the Kentucky Baptist Convention started giving away free steak dinners and guns to encourage "unchurched young rednecks to come to church and accept Jesus. (I wonder if the program was successful.)
02. Guns to School
In Idaho, students may bring guns to school. Greg Hamilton, Boise State University professor asks what he should do if a student violently disputes a grade. "Encouraging guns on campus." "What a fine way to teach responsibility to thousands of hormone-filled young people experimenting with drugs, sex, alcohol - and now, guns."
03. Guns for Babies
Steve Stockman, a Texas Representative was knocked out of the primary race. His campaign used bumper stickers that read: "If babies had guns they wouldn't be aborted."
04. To Each His Own
A Nigerian man who was arrested for having sex with a goat, said that he had asked the animal's permission first. He told officers that the ruminant had consented and that since, he had sex with her on at least ten occasions. His sentence: two weeks in jail.
05. Spellbound Poetry by Richard Lederer (Mensa Bulletin)
Tough Stough
1. The wind was rough.
The cold was grough.
She kept her hands
Inside her mough.
2. And even though
She loved the snough,
The weather was
A heartless fough.
3. It chilled her through.
Her lips turned blough.
The frigid flakes
They blough and flough.
4. They shook each bough,
And she saw hough
The animals froze ..
Each cough and sough.
5. While at their trough,
Just drinking brough,
Were frozen fast
Each slough and mough.
6. It made her hiccough --
Worse than a sticcough
She drank hot cocoa
For an instant piccough.
My brother Joe, an expert on the English language, writes often about the atrocious spelling of English words.
06. Don't Sell Your Art!
The Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington is trying to raise money by selling some of its famous art works. This has upset the Association of Art Museum Directors. They think that cash-strapped museums should sponsor events that would raise money, rather than selling their treasures.
The museum sold a painting by William Holman Hunt: Isabella and the Pot of Basil and they are planning to sell two more works: Winslow Homer's Milking Time (1875) and Alexander Calder's "The Black Crescent.. a mobile.
The Hunt and Homer works are masterpieces... but the Calder's is a hunk of junk.. one of Calder's frauds perpetrated on the nouveau riche trying to buy entre into the so-called "upper class."
07. Reality Shows?
Michael Ian Black, in reviewing Arts and Entertainment by Christopher Beha, writes:
"... When a show about a family of bearded duck-call makers becomes a national phenomena, ... (it... reality shows) provide bubble-gum morality plays in 30-minute increments without having to get dressed up on Sunday mornings."
08. Fight against Tyranny
Randall Balmer reviews Strange Glory, A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Randall writes that Bonheoeffer gave his blessings to those who conspired to murder Hitler, while affirming the non-violence of the Gospel. He invoked Luther's dictum "to sin boldly."
His disillusionment with the Fuehrer began in 1931 when Nazi banners began to be displayed in churches.. when one minister declared: "Christ has come to us through Adolf Hitler." His first protest against the regime began when the so-called Aryan paragraph passed by the
Reichstag on April 7, 1933. It mandated the removal of all Jews, even baptized Jews, from civil service, which included the churches.
A gentle man with a deep belief in God.. He was executed by the Gestapo.
09. Management Theory
"The secret of managing is to keep the guys who hate you away from the guys who are undecided."
Casey Stengle
10. Macular Degeneration Avoidance
Harvard Medical School says: Macular Degeneration is the main cause of severe vision loss in older people (I know this from experience). Tips:
a. Don't smoke.
b. Wear Sunglasses.
c. Eat kale and spinach.
d. Exercise.
e. Eat Fish and Nuts
f. Keep your weight down
11. Success
Someone asked a famous man whether youth is a necessary factor in success.
He replied: "Well, to answer that question, I turn to my favorite philosopher, myself. a man is young if a lady can make him happy or unhappy. He enters middle age when a lady can make him happy , but no longer unhappy. He is old and gone if a lady can make him neither happy nor unhappy. Well, I am still a young man!"
What the hell does that all mean?
12. *Common Core .. ideas
Southern Poverty Law Center writes: "Many Christian Right activists claim the Common Core will indoctrinate young children into the 'homosexual lifestyle' and instill anti-American, anti-Christian values. Their fight has been joined by radical antigovernment groups like the John Birch Society, which claims the standards are part of a global conspiracy to create a totalitarian 'New World Order.' Glen Beck, meanwhile describes the Common Core as 'evil' and 'communism'. U.S. Senator
Rand Paul has called it 'dangerous.'"
Unbelievable! Come on, Guys...let's use a little common sense on Common Core!
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