Saturday, May 24, 2014

Anonymous, Political Signs; Profiling; Editorial Cartoon; The Bible; Shootings; Knifings; Levis; Clothes and Underclothes; and Cigarettes

Another glorious day in sunny Maryland.  70 degrees or so and not too humid.  Summertime in May.

Today, I want to thank three of my recent "Anonymous" commenters.

Anonymous #1.  Thank you for your note, but my Japanese is very sketchy and I can't really understand what you said.

Anonymous#2.   Thank you for your note about Godzilla.   However, my Polish is also very sketchy and I cannot figure out much of your comment.

Anonymous#3.  Thank you for the very encouraging note and suggestion that I submit certain of my blog entries to a contest.  I'm glad that you liked the entry about my late wife's birth day in 1937, which had lots of pictures and graphic material embedded.  I haven't gotten back to attachments since I restarted my entries, but I will. 

Now.. for the news from the Carroll County Times:

---One of our Commissioner candidates apparently doesn't want to have his large political signs removed from the side of the road, even though they violate a municipal ordnance.  It seems to me that if one is elected to a position for a certain location, one should follow the legal dictates of that location.  The candidate is probably a nice guy in person.  He can't be bad if he always wears a very large NRA pin on his jacket.  I would like him better, though, if he would stop being so confrontational and relax. Mr. Candidate, like everybody, you will be gone someday,  so why not try to make people happy while you are here, and let them have a good memory of you.

---Another Commissioner says that his political signs disappear rapidly.  He says he has lost over one hundred dollars worth of signs so far this year.

One of Elaine's TV shows always has a "profile" segment, where the good guys outline for the police just how the "unsub" looks and acts, and how he or she was brought up.  So, my profile for a political sign criminal is:  age: 27; height: 5'6"; hair: brown;  eyes: gray;  weight: 150;  single; likes to smoke pot; drives a Chevy pickup truck with chicken wire and burglary tools in the truck bed; .... let's see how that works out.

---The editorial cartoon today is a typical "bad mouth The Man" cheapshot at Obama and shows an IRA person with his arm around a VA person holding a Secret Waiting List.  That's ok, sometimes the CC Times prints liberal leaning cartoons too.  The IRA person appears to have either a real messy baldspot or is wearing a yarmulke.  Right underneath the cartoon is printed the title of a letter to the editor: Vote to Uphold Christian Values.  Do you think that someone will try to link the cartoon and these words?  I'll bet they will.

By the way, part of this letter to the editor asks us to vote for the people who are "in line with God's word.. The Bible..."  Hey, wait a minute.. who owned the Bible first?  Wasn't it the Jewish people?

Now.. news from Baltimore:

---There were two "triple shootings" in two days in Baltimore.  That doesn't count the other shootings and knifings that seem to occur daily, although the Mayor says that crime is down this year and there have been 71 fewer killings compared to last year.

---A jealous District of Columbia experienced a "triple knifing", where there women were robbed and slashed yesterday.  No wonder tourism is down this  year.

---The "do-nothing" House finally interrupted their bill filing, trying to destroy Obamacare and beat Benghazi to a pulp again, to pass an NSA reform bill.  What will the Senate do now?  The President has comments and recommendations for the bill.  Interesting.

Now..  new from Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me

---The Levi's Company says: Do not wash Levis!.. It's better for the environment.   Huh?  The other day, I saw a 30's lady wearing a very nice blouse, lots of lipstick, 6-inch heels, and torn and tattered jeans (Levis?).. the height of fashion?  I was tempted to give her a few bucks so she could buy some decent clothes.

---A Chinese dress designer has come up with a "Subway Dress", which expands to give you more room during your commute.

--- A man in underwear stole a bread delivery truck and continued to make deliveries to the scheduled stops.

Also.. probably important:

--- The other day I noticed that a carton of cigarettes now costs at least $43.50 a carton.  The Maryland General Assembly is being targeted by an initiative to add another $1 tax on one pack (or $63.50 for a carton).  This is supposed to curb teenage smoking and provide more funding for health projects.   OK by me!

Adios Amigos

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