1. The thigh bone of Godzilla's great, great grandfather has been found in Argentina.
Based on the length of this bone (7.9 feet), scientists estimate that Grandpa G was over 66 feet tall and 132 feet long!
(Still a little guy, compared to the current day Blue Whale, whose tongue weighs as much as an African elephant.)
Burning question: Since Grandpa G weighed about 176,000 pounds, how many trees and elephants did he have to consume to get enough calories for day-to-day existence?
2. The Maryland State Police stopped 300 cars on Interstate 95 last Saturday. Almost that many citations were issued for infractions, including new ones that Marylanders are subject to, such as talking or texting online while driving, and failing to move over when passing police cars on the side of the road.
Burning question: Are out of State drivers subject to Maryland laws that they know nothing about? Or, is this similar to those traffic laws in small Georgia towns, designed to add money to their measly coffers by targeting unknowing drivers?
3. The Carroll County Times has apparently divorced AARP. They have not published anything I have sent to them for a long time that is connected with that organization.
I probably should not complain too loudly because my NARFE group gets its pictures in regularly, and Carroll Lutheran Village does as well. Maybe they are saving them up for a future "spread."
I have been told that there is a big backlog at their office.. and the paper has recently been sold, and there might be less interest in local events as before.
It's time to send them another press release and see if they print it.
4. Election time is fast approaching. During June, the Party Primaries will be held. Carroll County is definitely a Republican County, and in order for a Democrat to win an election, they have to change party affiliation. Commissioners, States Attorneys, and Sheriffs were all Democrats in previous incarnations, I believe.
I changed my affiliation from Democrat to Independent.. This is ok because it indicates my true status, but I therefore do not get to vote in a party related primary.. so I disenfranchised myself. Dummy!
Enough of this nonsense, Joe!
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