Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Carotid; Typos; Voting Day; Smokers Lose; Spruce Essence; Drones; Robocalls; Airbags; Tires; Tsunami; Marathon Fraud; Musical Fun

Sunny and windy Summer day.  Today, Elaine had the five tests that Medicare will not cover. When I had them done some time ago, the tests showed that my carotid artery on one side was almost  totally blocked.  They also found something else, but I've forgotten what.. in any case, I followed up with my regular doctors.  I had the carotid artery cleared out and now I'm much smarter than Einstein.   Just think about my cousin Allen Vaughan.  Both of his arteries were almost 100% blocked and he was due for a stroke.  He had both opened up and now he is smarter than both me and Einstein.  Elaine will get her results in month or so.

Local Advertisement

Fogle Termite and Pest Company has a slick advertising paper going out all over Carroll County.  The top of the sheet says: "Don't let ants and termite (sic) invade your home! Get personalized Pet Protection!" Those damn cats are always bringing home those ants!


I'm guilty of typos too.  I just  looked back at one of my blog entries where I meant to say that my tomato plants were growing... instead, I said they were glowing. 

Primary Voting Day

Let's see my score on these predictions (actually wishes):

Robin Frazier will not survive the primary.
Susan Krebs will not survive the primary..
Rothschild will not survive the primary.
The three Educational Tea Party guys will not survive the primary.
Mr. Rausch will not survive the primary.
Mr. Getty will survive the primary.
Mr. Barnes will survive the primary.

Smokers Lose Freedom

Westminster has 14 park properties, 13 of which will shortly become smoke free.  Belle Grove Square will stay the stinky, cigarette butt haven that it has always been.

Now, we can look for the letters to the local paper, complaining that the UN is the root cause of the loss of this essential freedom:  the right to give themselves and others nearby lung cancer.

Spruce Essence

Nice guy, Fred Teeter, who is the executive director of the Carroll County Historical Society announced that on August 1st, the County will celebrate "Hops in History".. a kind of love story for beer drinkers.  They will be serving beer that they are preparing now.. at 4 1/2 % alcohol, it will be a little different from the beer originally brewed, but probably as tasty because they will add Spruce Essence.  I've always thought that the reason Lowenbrau Beer tastes so  good in Germany and so lousy in the U.S. is because the Germans add Spruce Essence.  I could be wrong.  My German contacts insist that the ancient German rules for beer are still in effect and additives like Spruce Essence are definitely not added.  Ich sage Kuhscheiss!

Drone On

Get ready for more drones in our airways.  A new Federal law opens the air waves to drones of all kinds says the Carroll County Times.  It also says that from 2001 through 2013, there have been only 47 severe drone crashes.  Outside of the U.S., an estimated 4,000 people have been killed by our drone strikes since 2009.

Unbelievable Gonads!

Remember Julius Henson, who put out robocalls on election day in 2010, telling African Americans that they didn't need to vote.  He served just 30 days jail time for that offense and is now running for a seat in the Maryland State Senate!

What's in Your Airbag?

Hot air and high humidity are causing certain airbags made in Japan to explode.  They are probably standard equipment in US cars.

What's in Your Tires?

I know that some air has been leaking out of my tires for about a  week.  Today, I found out why.  There is a nice 2 penny nail sticking out of my right front.  So, I get to  take it in tomorrow.  In the old days, I would have taken the nail out myself and patched the hole... however, these are new days, and I think I'd better get it fixed by somebody who knows a  lot more than I do.

A Puny Tsunami

An earthquake on an island 1,400 miles south west of Anchorage, Alaska, triggered a tsunami.  However, the tsunami turned out to be just a couple of inches high.  Lucky folks.

Another Marathon Bombing Victim Fraud

Two Boston brothers tried to say that their long-deceased aunt had lost her legs in the Marathon bombing that took place in 2013, and filed for insurance compensation.  Both brothers are from "Southie", the area of Boston that was the home of Whitey Bulger, the crime boss and murderer captured last year after a long search.

The FBI fingered the brothers for fraud, gave them a phony check, and then arrested them. Instead of a  lot of easy money, they each received 3 years jail time.

Victor Book of Musical Fun

I love this book.. it contains lots of musical quizzes, stories about famous musicians, jokes, and wonderful cartoons by a guy named Galen.  Here is one of the jokes:

Two ladies who ran a store near Carnegie Hall allowed their windows to be filled with concert posters, and in return they were given tickets to a symphony concert.  They arrived late and were seated after the overture.  Turning to the man next to them, one asked what the next number would be.  He answered that it was Brahms's Fourth Symphony.  The lady turned to her partner and said Bitterly: "I told  you to hurry.  We've already missed three symphonies!"


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