Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day; Politics; Voting; Candidate Ratings; Obama; Oh Say Can You See; Rogue Cow; Famous Naughty Historians; Guns.

A nice hot muggy Father's Day.. but beautiful.  Some of my wonderful family accompanied me for lunch at our so-called Bistro.  Nice!

More "stuff" from the news


Our local paper had an editorial about political parties and said: "... while others got the 'book' from their party..."  Huh?  I think they meant 'boot'.   There are a lot of these "spell checker" errors in this paper.  I would recommend a read by a human before publication.

At one time, my late wife got tired of these errors and betook herself to the newspaper office and offered her services as a proofreader.  Even though she brought many examples with her, they still insisted that they did not need a proofreader.


Elaine and I did our duty and voted early today.  She had a nice fat ballot to consider, while I, as an Independent, could only vote for three out of seven candidates for the School Board.  I probably should have changed affiliation in order to feel as though my vote counted.. but I didn't.

Candidate Ratings

The local "Sportsmen's Association" published their ratings list today.  The scores are based on "questionaires, records, and the personal knowledge of members."  Wow!

Even though you probably don't know these folks, but they all got A's.

Ken George
Charles Lollar
Joe Getty
Sue Krebs
Robin Frazier
Richard Rothschild
Jerry Barnes

Some interesting names there.  All are Conservatives (or say they are) and a couple are constantly breaking whatever rules they feel do not pertain to them.

Sportsmen?  Are these the guys who shoot Bambi?  Today, I read about something Thomas Jefferson said.  Instead of sitting around and playing board games, one should take walks carrying guns.   ??

Crazy King George of England.. when he was about to die, his minions carried him outside so that he could enjoy shooting his weapons.   Before he finished that night, he had shot and killed hundreds of little birds, flushed out of hiding by servants.  Great sport, hey George. Go directly to Hell!

Fred is Mad as Hell

A fellow member of the local NARFE chapter, Fred Frevert, does not like President Obama very much.  In a wild letter to the local paper, he blasts the President for his stand on the Ukraine and for the Bergdahl prisoner swap.  Fred seems to be quite gentle in person, but I guess Obama rubs him the wrong way.

Baltimore Celebrity

John Waters has written a book called CARSICK, about hitch-hiking from Baltimore to San Francisco.  Might be a fun read.

Francis Scott Key

Don Rodricks writes in the Baltimore Sun about handsome Phil Key, son of the famous 1812 lyricist. Mr. Phil was messing with a Congressman's wife and that got him shot by Dan Sickles, who was acquitted because of "temporary insanity".  You remember General Sickles from the Civil War.. same guy.


Oh.. that Rogue Cow that I reported on recently... it was really a steer.  I apologize to my bovine friends.

Naval Historian

Samuel Eliot Morrison, famous naval historian and author of the great book about Columbus.  Well, his grandson walked out of the U.S. Navy Archives with three boxes of files used by his grandfather. Still missing is a letter written by Lincoln, WWII maps of atomic bomb targets and a ring that belonged to Lyndon Johnson.  Other stuff was recovered in a raid on his home.  Some had been sold to a Baltimore bookseller.

Presidential Historian

Another theft of archived material was undertaken by Barry Landau, who was sentenced to 7 years in prison.  He was caught stealing documents from the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore. (I am a member.)

A 2013 Harper Collins Publishers biographic piece about Landau praised him as "....a Presidential historian and one of the foremost collectors of historical memorabilia and artifacts. " (Well I guess so.)  Landau's latest book was "The President's Table".  I wonder how that is selling right now.

Guns Again

This week, a 14 year-old shot and killed a 17 year-old as he sat  in his car in York, Pennsylvania.


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