Monday, June 16, 2014

Kid on School Board; Maryland Gerrymander; Weapons; Hoarding; World Cup; Hidden Money; Elvis; Casey; the Supremes; Starbucks Tuition; Fourth of July Fact

Hot and sunny.  It's Summer already in Maryland.

I had blood work done this morning.. fasting.. so when I did get to eat, I pigged out on scrapple and eggs with 2 coffees instead of my usual one.. now I feel bloated.

Local Stuff

School Kid on the School Board

Mathew Saxton, a high school junior will be a member of the Carroll County Public School Board of Education for two years.  He's been quite a volunteer during his short life, and should bring a student's viewpoint to deliberations.  I wonder how he will make out if the Tea Party candidates are successful in this Primary Election.  From their issuances, I would say that their viewpoint will be  decidedly negative and destructive. 

Gerrymandered Districts

Most of Carroll County's Republican delegates will be "contained" in a marvelously contorted District 5, that stretches across the State.  Democrats feel that this will keep them as even less an irritant as they are today.  Some of the other delegates will be included with Howard County and Frederick, thus further diluting Carroll County issues.  Of course, I could be completely wrong in all I am saying.  I need to revisit the situation after the Primary is over.

National and World Stuff

Creative Weapons

Crooks know that if they use guns in the commission of crime, they could possibly be shot themselves, so they are using other weapons, at least it says so in the Baltimore Sun.

A robber using a machete has struck twice in the same community.

A robber using pepper spray has hit a bank.

Oh Oh!

A 66 year-old female hoarder in Connecticut has been crushed under the collapsed floor that held part of her treasures. (Let that be a lesson to me and Elaine.)

Expensive World Cup

Rio's astronomical prices, referred to as the "Custo Brasil" (or Brazil Cost) is quickly depleting the pocketbooks of tourists.  If you have any money left after the pickpockets have gotten you, you might have to pay $17 for a cheeseburger, $35 for a pizza, and $10 for a cocktail.

Hidden Money

Copying somebody in a TV show, an anonymous guy from Howard County has been hiding money around Baltimore.  Some people have already found $50 or $20 bills in creative locations near the Inner Harbor.  Anonymous says that he  likes to see people smile.


Elvis Pista, a so-called flamboyant Kosovo politician with spiked hair, has been gunned down as he exited a restaurant in his hometown.

RIP Casey

"Top 40" DJ, Casey Kasem, passed away this week at 82.  I listened  to his distinctive voice for 40 years.  In addition to his music career, Casey did "voice-overs" for 10,000 commercials.

The Supremes

By the end of June, the Supreme Court  should have rulings on the following 6 questions:

1. Do the owners of private companies have a right to refuse to provide their workers with contraception material thru Obamacare, if it violates their religious views?  (Hobby Lobby case.)

2.  Can Massachusetts enforce a 35 foot "quiet zone" near abortion clinics? ("Sidewalk Counselors" want to be able to use that space to try and talk patients out of abortions.)

3.   Did Illinois violate home health care workers' rights when it authorized them to be unionized and pay a fee if they refuse to join a union?

4.  Can police examine the contents of a suspect's smartphone?

5.  Can a company rent antennas to customers and use them to stream over-the-air broadcast  signals without paying licensing fees?

6.  Did President Obama stretch the law by allowing regulators to require that power plant permits include measures to reduce carbon emissions?

School Money Deal

Students who work at least  20 hours a week at Starbucks and enroll in an online Bachelor Degree program will get half of their tuition paid (up to $6,500) and full tuition for the final two  years.

Some  years ago, the State of Maryland agreed to pay for four years of education, if the student agreed to work as a teacher in Maryland for a stated period of time.  Lots of people took advantage of that.  Why couldn't we do that again around the country.  Let's be creative on this, just like Starbucks.

Amazing American History

Three of the first four Presidents of the United States died on the Fourth of July!  Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day in 1826.  James Monroe died on that day in 1831. 


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