Friday, June 27, 2014

Tomatoes; Mr. Cate; Governor's Race; Climate Change; Prayer; Boehner's Lawsuit; Supreme Court; Buffer Zones; IRS; Pedophiles; Church; Phyllis Diller; Death Squads; Tulips and Feynman

Nice partly sunny Summer day at 80 degrees.  I was able to push my big fat butt to put the rest of my flowers from Daughter Diane into individual pots and to  put another tomato cage up.  In so doing, I found 3 rather large green tomatoes hiding out under the foliage.  Nice.


The other day, I wrote a quote attributed to "Henry Cate VII".  The quote was: "The problem with political jokes is they get elected."

I had never heard of Mr. Cate, so I attempted to track him down.  I found that he had submitted this  quote to a 1987 Usergroup titled .Rec.Humor.Funny  I think that the Usergroup is still in existence. Jokes were accepted on a daily basis for this group and Mr. Cate's submission was not questioned.  Now... 27  years later, it is.   More on this... maybe.

Governor's Race

Well, as expected, Larry Hogan has started his campaign to win the Governorship of Maryland by fiercely negative advertisements.  Looks like a long stretch of crap coming down the pike from him and his election committee.   Mr. Hogan has no political experience to brag about, so he will try to draw attention away from that fact and on to Mr. Anthony Brown's problems with Obamacare. When he gets tired of  that, he will probably somehow involve Brown in the situations with Benghazi and Bergdahl.

Climate Change

Also, as expected, Michael Zimmer finally got around to disputing Climate Change and Global Warming in his monthly newspaper column.

Some More Prayer Nonsense

The Carroll County Commissioners seem to think they understand it all now and will have one of the Commissioners open each meeting with a prayer, and then they will say something like "now I will pray"  instead of "now, let us pray".  But.. once again, they have not read the Supreme Court's Decision.  It said that it  would be ok for a Preacher or Priest or Rabbi or Imam to recite a prayer, not a Government official.  The goal is to have the opportunity for prayer extended to all clergy.

Boehner's Suit Against President Obama

Hey.. who will be paying for Boehner's law suit?  Why, the taxpayers of course.  The Speaker is asking House members to  pass a bill to allow him to sue, as he desires to do.

The Supremes on Buffer Zones

Someone pointed out today that the Supreme Court has a buffer zone around their DC building to keep protestors from bothering them.

The IRS' Investigation of Non-Profits

There was a lot more information on CSPAN radio today about the targeting of Non-Profit groups by IRS to determine if they really are non-profit.  The commentator mentioned that they used key-words to target groups to question.  And, of course this is why the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame was targeted and our non-profit status canceled until we got a lawyer and fought to get it back after $1,000 expense money, that we could hardly afford to pay.

The keyword?  Why "Mischief" of course... a natural assumption can be made that a group would cause mischief to another political group.  However, our only "Mischief" was with our acronym: MSCHF.. Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame!

Catching Scumbag Pedophiles

In a sting operation involving online investigators pretending to be 12 to 14 year old children asking for sex, California police caught 275 idiots as they showed up for sex with the "kids"... just like that TV show.. unbelievable.

Welcome to Church

The Catholic Church  will be opening a synod in October, to debate how they can upgrade their "welcoming image" and still remain true to their core beliefs.


Phyllis Diller, in her 90's donated a filing cabinet filled with 50,000 of her jokes to the Smithsonian in 2011. 

Bad Teens!

A short time ago, Shiite death squads killed more than a dozen young Iraqis for wearing Western-style "emo" clothes.  The Interior Ministry singled out the "emo" subculture, made up of youths who listen to Western music and wear tight jeans and long hair. Some teens were stoned to death and others beaten severely.  What a great place to live!


Richard Lederer, Mensan and word expert says that the tulip's shape may remind you of "two lips", but that is not how the flower got its name.  Instead, the Dutch borrowed the word Tulip from French tulipan, who had stolen it from the Turks tulbend.. so named because it reminded them of a turban.

Hawkeye Says

Word to the young:   In the 1990's, Alan Alda led the collaboration that created "QED", a play about the brilliant scientist, Richard Feynman, with Alan playing Dr. Feynman.   If one would desire to be a smart person, it would behoove them to study Dr. Feynman's unorthodox life, starting with the reading of this play.


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