Happy Summer! But, some people are complaining that we have had too much rainfall this year. In fact, we are 7" above normal to date in Central Maryland and higher in other parts of the state. This excess rainfall is causing spillage over the Prettyboy Dam and making problems for fisherman who fly cast in the streams that flow from the dam.
Strong currents are knocking fishermen over and the brown trout habitat is being eroded by having hiding places removed as the water moves the pieces of wood that the fish use for shelter. Another result of climate change?
Animal Cruelty?
The Baltimore Police Officer who slit the throat of a 7-year old Shar-Pei dog is named Bolger, the same last name as the infamous Whitey Bolger, Boston crime boss. Could they be related?
Why did they have to kill the dog that way when it was secured by a hooked device? The dog was reported to have bitten a woman, but she states that it was just a nip on the hand when she tried to read the dog's collar. Baltimore police had all supposedly had classes last year about how to handle animals, after another incident where a dog was killed by a cop.
Quote of the month: Conservative Columnist, Byron York, argues that "Obama's good news applies only to the poor." Duh?!
And Conservatives have finally told the real reason why they don't like programs like Obamacare. Its because those programs require helping the less fortunate with other people's money.
A Winner!!
My son in law, John, has always had luck with drawings and lotteries. On Sunday, he was awarded the grand prize at the Sacred Heart Church Lucky 21 Drawing. $3000 big ones! I'm sure he will be able to put that to good use.
A bunch of stuff:
Henny Youngman Saying
My grandmother is over 80 and still doesn't need glasses. She drinks right out of the bottle.
Mark Twain Saying
Water taken in moderation cannot hurt anybody.
Plane Talk
Swiss artist Christoph Buchel has secured local permits to bury a Boeing 727 38 feet under a patch of the Mojave Desert. Visitors will take a tunnel down in order to tour the 153' long plane.
Another Machete Man
An unidentified man was taken into custody in Chesapeake, Virginia, after he rushed into the Regional Medical Center with a machete and a can of gasoline, and demanded to know "the test results."
Henry Cate VII Saying
The problem with political jokes is that they get elected.
Harper's Index
Percentage of the world's Christians who lived in Sub-Sahara Africa in 1912: 1%
Percentage of the world's Christians who lived in Sub-Sahara Africa in 2012: 24%
Why the big increase?
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