Wednesday, June 18, 2014

School Debt; Fishing; Ocean Preserve; Rio; World Cup; Benghazi; Jails; Pay

Another 90+ day with a 30% chance of thunderstorms... looks like Maryland is now a northern Florida.  Hope this heat is good for the crops.. everything looks nice and green.  Every year my grandfather would say: "The grass is so much greener this  year!"

Reducing School Debt

Local Democratic candidate, Dan Rupli, reports that Tennessee has a program where publicly funded tuition for the first two years of college or trade school is available through proceeds of the State lottery.  It was initiated by Republicans.  Sounds great to me.

I already mentioned Maryland's program for full tuition funding if the student agreed to be a teacher in Maryland for a fixed number of years.  

Something Fishy

The Mid-Atlantic Fishing Management Council dramatically lowered the amount of anadromous fish that can be harvested by trawlers while catching other fish.  I wonder how New Bedford is taking that.

anadromous fish: born in fresh water, spends most of its life in the sea and returns to fresh water to spawn, like herring, salmon, smelt, shad, striped bath and sturgeon.

catadromous fish: lives in fresh water and enters salt water to spawn, like eels.

Fish Room

The Associated Press has announced that President Obama will soon be creating the world's largest ocean preserve by expanding the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, a remote part of the Pacific Ocean set apart by President George W. Bush. (Why hadn't I heard of this before?)


As a reporter was enjoying a street festival and preparing a report on the World Cup, she was mugged by two teen-agers on a motorcycle.

World Cup

Yesterday, as we ate at the Hollywood Diner, we watched some of the Brazil/Mexico game, along with excited kitchen personnel and wait-staff. I'm sorry to say, we were not excited. I confess that Baseball puts me to sleep and Soccer comes in second in my soporific scale. 

But... I did notice something that made an impression on me.  Some of the coaches (owners?) yelling on the sidelines were chubby... but all of the players were slim and muscular.  Let that be a lesson to me to get off my dead ass and get moving!


Our criminal catchers got another one.  A guy who was involved in the Benghazi terrorist attack.  The President said: "When Americans are attacked, no matter how long it takes, we will find those responsible and bring them to justice."

American Incarceration

Chase Madar says in the Washington Spectator, that America leads the world in the number of people put in jail.  He says that we lock up more people than  Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and China. He cites the Soviet Union's Cold War rate of Goulag incarceration, and says that we are not far behind that rate.

Take Home Pay?

The Washington Spectator also mentions information from the Institute for Policy Studies that spotlights the salaries of certain CEO's.  For instance:  YUM! Brands CEO David Novak received $67 million in performance pay during 2012 and 2013. That was in addition to the $232 plus millions in tax-deferred retirement benefits provided to Novak over a 14 year period.

Workers in YUM! restaurants, such as KFC and Pizza Hut, make an average of $8. per hour, and many are subsidized by the U./S. Government (us) because they earn such a low raise.  As a YUM! shareholder, I apologize.

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