Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Virginia Primary Vote; Pet Expo; Teen Violence; Politicians; Robocalls; Crib Death; Guns; Ebola; Cartoons

Well.. we all knew it would happen.. its a rainy day.  That's good for the flowers and vegetables.
The 3 or maybe 4  ( I can't tell) tomato plants that my daughter, Diane, gave us, are glowing very fast.  Each has its own gigantic pot.  I haven't set my Earth Boxes up yet.  No pep.  Maybe I need more caffeine.

Some news from here and there

GOP Lost/Dems Win?

In an "anybody can vote" primary in Virginia, Eric Cantor, GOP bigwig was defeated by a college professor endorsed by the Tea Party.  This is bad news for the GOP because they lose an experienced politician who may have been "gang voted on" by Democrats, so that they would have a chance on taking back his seat in the final election.  Listening to CSPAN radio this morning, I did not hear anyone say anything nice about Mister Cantor.

I wish that Maryland had an open primary.  Right now, as an Independent, I can only vote for School Board candidates... who, by the way, are supposed to be above political party.  However, three Tea Party guys have gotten together to try to win by loudly publicizing their "conservative" leaning. 

Pet Expo

There is an ad in the Carroll County Times that says:

"Adults Under 17 Free"

Teen Adults?

A 17 year-old and an 18 year-old assaulted a former friend.  While the 17 year-old held the victim down and tried to strangle him, his 18 year-old girl friend kept hitting the victim with a brick.  Nice to know that at least they did not use a gun or a knife, the usual weapons of choice in Westminster, Maryland.

Bergdahl Swap Again

Local educator, Tom Zirpoli, writes in his column about the apparent hypocracy (sp?) by John McCain and other politicians, who were for the swap, before they were against the swap, while they said they did not know about the swap.  But they did know about and approve the swap, as shown by publically available media.

Politicians.. damn them all!

One of Carroll County politicians wrote a "fact" and "fiction" piece, in which she talked about another member who I guess she doesn't like very much.  Very interesting  coming from a person who "stood up" a Carroll County delegation of voters who came to Annapolis to question their representatives.  After the meeting, I cornered her in the hall and she said that she couldn't meet with us because she was "having her hair done."  


They've started.  Make it easy on yourself... get Caller ID and an answering machine.. also you could call NoMorobo.(sp?)  (I'll put that info into a later blog entry.)

Baby Loss

The obituaries today listed a 1-year old who died "unexpectedly."  My Grandson, Kyle, died of "crib death" while napping at a baby-sitter's house.  The parents and I still haven't gotten over that.

"When will they learn?"

1. Another school shooting. An Oregon teen ager killed a 14 year-old and himself with a rifle.

2. The Seattle college shooter left a note: "I just want people to die, and then I'm gonna die with them."

3. Some of my grandkids were playing a violent video game on Sunday.  I asked them, :Do you get points for killing someone?"  They replied: "Yes."

Deadly Virus

In the face of the threat of an EBOLA outbreak, West Africans are fasting and praying. Unfortunately, this scourge has no cure and kills almost 90% of those infected.   It is spread by a virus passed to humans by infected animals, or between humans in close contact with infected bodily fluids.  Also, by needles in hospitals.

Better News

I've finally found a large number of my cartoon drawings.  These were from earlier days, when I drew a cartoon every night before bed.  Some are good; most are lousy.  As soon as I learn how to scan them into a database, I will start adding some to these blog entries.  A few may even make you chuckle.


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