Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Reading; Flag; Voting; Politics; Guns; Violence; Belly Buttons; Marriage.

Now how long can this beautiful weather go on?  I need to remember this when the winds of Winter whip across our patio.

Some nice local news


The Carroll Lutheran School is now rewarding students for reading books in their Black Eyed Susan Reading Program which ran from November 2013 through March 2014.  Each reader got some pizza and a lot of ice cream.. Nice.  One kid read 10 books during that time.. I guess the average was 6 or 7.

I think it is really good that children are reading and not texting or playing video games all the time.  And I suppose book reading will  never go back to what it was when I was 9 years old.  At that time, I discovered books (as opposed to comics, which we called "funny books") and a whole new world opened up to me.  I read every Hardy Boys book ever written and every book in Baum's Wizard of Oz series.. all while I was 9 years old.  I probably read almost a whole book each day.  Yet, I still had time to do the outside things I liked to do, including some that was illegal and stupid.   But then again, I was, of course, the smartest kid that ever lived.. or at least, I thought I was.

You remember the lyrics to that song that Paul Lind sang:

"Kids!  Why can't they be like we were, perfect in every way!
What's the matter with kids today?"

Nutbag Flag

The Las Vegas husband and wife screwballs who recently went on a deadly shooting rampage, draped their "Don't Tread on Me!" flag on the bodies of two policemen that they murdered.  Some of my neighbors, members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) received copies of that flag from their association, and proudly displayed it for a while.. until their brains kicked in, I believe.  I'll bet their wives made them take those flags down and exchange them for nice flowered ones.

Voting Boating

The village of Kasigluk is separated into 2 parts by a river without a bridge.  On election day, people on one side have to hurry finish voting so that the ballot machine can be boated to the other side before the voting day is over.

Political Truth

I've said this many times before... if the women voters would all get out to vote, they could elect anyone they chose to.  Remember the power of women in the play by Aristophanes: Lysistrata?  The men would let them go vote alone, because then they could watch football without interruption. 

Which is worse?

Which is worse, the mass killings in the US by guns, or the suicide bombings by Taliban members in Pakistan?  How about assaults on women in Egypt?   How about the kidnapping of girls in Nigeria?

Burning Questions

What is the use of a belly button after birth?

Is it true that Alfred Hitchcock was born without a belly button?

What is metallic arthritis?

Marriage Joke

A married couple were in a bar, watching a man dancing around wildly and happily. 
The wife said to her husband: "Years ago, he asked me to marry him and I turned him down."
The husband replied: "It looks like he's still celebrating."


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